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现行 TIM PD-002-A
PDMA Innovation Management Standard - Supporting Documentation - Standard Assessment Checklist PDMA创新管理标准-支持文件-标准评估清单
发布日期: 2015-01-01
本标准适用于所有国家和任何类型的组织、初创企业或企业 为开发创新管理系统(中小型)而建立 企业、大型企业(私营或上市)、政府机构、非营利组织 组织、体育组织和娱乐等)。它适用于 新产品、服务和流程的开发。组织可以评估他们的 创新成熟度符合标准要求,并系统采用六个 元素的标准,制定自己独特的创新管理体系。 一般来说,每个组织都必须采用自己选择的基础架构 组件。该标准提供了个人学习所需的标准, 创新框架和创新管道的知识和管理,以及 投资组合。创新目标和后续项目可能包括创建新的或 改进现有技术、产品、服务和流程。同伴 评估清单、指南和参考出版物等文件 可用于支持本标准,并协助最终用户、评估员或顾问 开发和实施创新管理系统(IMS)。
This standard is applicable to all countries and any type of organization, startup or established for developing an Innovation Management System (small-to-medium size businesses, large enterprises (private or listed), government bodies, non-profit organizations, sports organizations and entertainment, etc.). It is applicable to the development of new products, services and processes. Organizations can assess their innovation maturity to the standards requirements and systematically adopt the six elements of the standard to develop their own unique Innovation Management System. In general, every organization will have to adopt its own selection of underlying components. The standard provides the criteria necessary for individual learning, knowledge and management of an innovation framework and innovation pipeline and portfolios. Innovation objectives and subsequent projects may include creating new or improving existing technologies, products, services and processes. Companion documents such as the Assessment Checklist, Guidelines and Reference Publications are available to support this standard and assist the end user, the assessor or consultant in developing and implementing an Innovation Management System (IMS).
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类