2007/307/EC: Commission Decision of 25 April 2007 on the withdrawal from the market of Topas 19/2 (ACS-BNØØ7-1) oilseed rape and its derived products (notified under document number C(2007) 1809)
2007/307/EC:2007年4月25日委员会关于Topas 19/2(ACS-BNØ7-1)油菜及其衍生产品退出市场的决定(根据C(2007)1809号文件通知)
2007/307/EC: Commission Decision of 25 April 2007 on the withdrawal from the market of Topas 19/2 (ACS-BNØØ7-1) oilseed rape and its derived products (notified under document number C(2007) 1809)