Test code for machine tools — Part 2: Determination of accuracy and repeatability of positioning of numerically controlled axes
机床试验规程Spart 2:数控轴定位精度和重复性的测定
ISO 230-2:2014规定了通过直接测量机床上的各个轴来测试和评估数控机床轴定位精度和重复性的方法。这些方法同样适用于线性轴和旋转轴。
ISO 230-2:2014可用于型式试验、验收试验、比较试验、定期验证、机器补偿等。这些方法涉及在每个位置重复测量。定义并计算了试验的相关参数。根据ISO/TR 230-9:2005附件C中的描述,对其不确定度进行了估计。
ISO 230-2:2014 specifies methods for testing and evaluating the accuracy and repeatability of positioning of numerically controlled machine tool axes by direct measurement of individual axes on the machine. These methods apply equally to linear and rotary axes.
ISO 230-2:2014 can be used for type testing, acceptance tests, comparison testing, periodic verification, machine compensation, etc. The methods involve repeated measurements at each position. The related parameters of the test are defined and calculated. Their uncertainties are estimated as described in ISO/TR 230-9:2005, Annex C.