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现行 AWWA ACE63227
Lanthanum Based Adsorption Media Provides Cost Effective Arsenic Removal 基于镧的吸附介质提供了经济高效的砷去除
发布日期: 2006-06-01
本幻灯片介绍了一种基于镧的新吸附技术 产生化学反应 更具成本效益的结果,以及 吸附树脂稳定性的进一步改善 砷在酸性和碱性环境中。NXT-2的特性与比较技术性能一起列出 试验结果和先导柱性能 测试结果。结果表明,镧技术 成本效益高是因为 最大去除效率和 在广泛的pH范围内运行,无需调节pH值。还有镧技术 降低系统复杂性和成本, 减少操作员需求,以及 无需氯化即可有效去除As III 两者都删除。 镧技术是安全的,因为它是 在pH值变化的情况下,不太可能释放结合态砷 心烦意乱 减少处理pH值所需的酸性溶液 调整包括表格、数字。
This slide presentation outlines a new adsorptive technology based on lanthanum chemistry that yields more cost effective results, and additional improvements in stability of adsorbed arsenic in acidic and alkaline environments. NXT-2 characteristics are listed along with comparative technology performance test results and pilot column performance test results. Results conclude that Lanthanum Technology is cost effective because it gives maximum removal efficiency and operates over a wide pH range without pH adjustment. Also, Lanthanum Technology reduces system complexity and cost, reduces operator requirements, and does not require chlorination to remove As III- efficiently removes both. Lanthanum Technology is safe because it is less likely to release bound arsenic in the event of pH upset, and reduces handling of acidic solutions required for pH adjustment. Includes tables, figures.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会