EN 15198. Methodology for the ignition hazard assessment of non-electrical equipment and components for intended use in potentially explosive atmospheres
EN 15198 潜在爆炸性环境中预期使用的非电气设备和部件的点火危险评估方法
Cross References:EN 1127-1EN 1127-2EN 13237EN 13463-194/9/ECEN 414EN 1050EN 1710EN 13463-2EN 13463-3EN 13463-5EN 13463-6EN 13463-7EN 13463-8EN 45020ISO/IEC Guide 2:1996EN 50020EN ISO 12100-1ISO 12100-1:2003EN ISO 12100-2ISO 12100-2:2003ISO/IEC Guide 51ISO/IEC Guide 73All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.