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现行 ISO 23297:2017
Thermoplastic hoses and hose assemblies — Wire or synthetic yarn reinforced single-pressure types for hydraulic applications — Specification 热塑性软管和软管组件.液压应用的钢丝或合成纱增强单压型.规范
发布日期: 2017-12-06
ISO 23297:2017规定了标称尺寸为3.2至31.5的钢丝或合成纱增强液压软管和软管组件的八个等级和两种类型(层间有粘结结构和层间无粘结结构)的要求。每个等级都有一个适用于所有尺寸的最大工作压力。此类软管适用于ISO 6743-4中定义的液压油HH、HL、HM、HR和HV,温度范围为-40°C至+100°C(A和B级),以及-40°C至+120°C(C和D级)。 ISO 23297:2017不包括端部配件的要求。它仅限于软管和软管组件的性能。 软管总成的最大工作压力由部件的最低最大工作压力决定。 注:用户有责任与软管制造商协商,确定软管与所用流体的相容性。
ISO 23297:2017 specifies requirements for eight classes and two types (construction with adhesive bond between layers and construction without adhesive bond between layers) of wire or synthetic yarn reinforced hydraulic hoses and hose assemblies of nominal size from 3,2 to 31,5. Each class has a single maximum working pressure for all sizes. Such hoses are suitable for use with hydraulic fluids HH, HL, HM, HR, and HV as defined in ISO 6743?4 at temperatures ranging from?40 °C to +100 °C for grades A and B and?40 °C to +120 °C for grades C and D. ISO 23297:2017 does not include requirements for end fittings. It is limited to the performance of hoses and hose assemblies. The hose assembly maximum working pressure is governed by the lowest maximum working pressure of the components. NOTE It is the responsibility of the user, in consultation with the hose manufacturer, to establish compatibility of the hose with the fluid to be used.
归口单位: ISO/TC 45/SC 1