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现行 PH-97-10-3
EHD Enhancement of In-Tube Condensation Heat Transfer of Alternate Refrigerant R-134a in Smooth and Microfin Tubes EHD强化替代制冷剂R-134a在光滑微细管中的管内冷凝换热
实验研究了电流体动力学(EHD)技术对R134a管内冷凝换热强化的适用性。试验段由水平安装的管内换热器组成,试验制冷剂在内管中流动,水在外管中流动。测试了两种类型的铜管——光滑铜管和微纤铜管,均为12.7mm(0.5in.)外径和305mm(12英寸)长的测试了代表不同电极直径和电极间距的六种不同电极。在最佳电极(最高增强)的情况下,根据入口质量、热流和质量流量的参数值进行了详细的实验。 在最佳电极条件下,传热增强率高达6.5倍。EHD功耗小于冷凝器容量的0.08%。压降结果表明,EHD效应会带来额外的惩罚。关键词:1997年,冷凝,热流,制冷剂,R134a,传热系数,压降,电极,管中管换热器,实验,测量,换热器,流体流动引用:研讨会,ASHRAE Trans。1997年,第103卷,第一部分
The applicability of the electrohydrodynamic (EHD) technique for in-tube condensation heat transfer enhancement of R134a was investigated experimentally. The test section consisted of a horizontally mounted tube-in-tube heat exchanger with test refrigerant flowing in the inner tube and water flowing in the outer tube. Two types of tubes were tested - smooth and microfin copper tubes, both 12.7mm (0.5in.) outside diameter and 305mm (12in.) long. Six different electrodes representing various electrode diameters and electrode spacing were tested. With the most optimum electrode (highest enhancement), detailed experiments were performed as a function of parametric values of inlet quality, heat flux, and mass flux. With the optimum electrode heat transfer enhancement of as high as six-and-half-fold was found. The EHD power consumption was less than 0.08% of the condenser capacity. The pressure drop results indicated that the EHD effect introduces additional penalty.KEYWORDS: year 1997, Condensation, heat flow, refrigerants, R134a, heat transfer coefficient, pressure drop, electrodes, tube in tube heat exchangers, experiment, measuring, heat exchangers, fluid flow
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类