Bitumen and bituminous binders. Determination of dynamic viscosity of bitumen and bituminous binders by the cone and plate method
沥青和沥青粘合剂 用锥板法测定沥青和沥青粘合剂的动态粘度
BS EN 13702:2018规定了一种通过锥形和板式粘度计在一定温度范围内测定沥青粘合剂动态粘度的方法。本试验方法适用于所有未老化或老化的沥青粘合剂(如铺路级沥青和聚合物改性沥青)。交叉引用:EN 12594EN 58EN 12697-3EN 12697-4购买本文件时可获得的所有现行修订均包含在购买本文件中。
BS EN 13702:2018 specifies a method for determining the dynamic viscosity of a bituminous binder over a range of temperatures by means of a cone and plate viscometer. The test method is intended for all bituminous binders (e.g. paving grade bitumen and polymer modified), unaged or aged.Cross References:EN 12594EN 58EN 12697-3EN 12697-4All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.