Metallic materials — Tube — Ring tensile test
ISO 8496:2013规定了一种管道环形拉伸试验的方法,通过对试样施加应变直至断裂,以揭示表面和内部缺陷。该试验也可用于评估管道的延展性。
环形拉伸试验适用于外径超过150 mm且壁厚不超过40 mm的管道。内径应大于100 mm。
ISO 8496:2013 specifies a method for a ring tensile test of tubes to reveal surface and internal defects by subjecting the test piece to strain until fracture occurs. This test may also be used to assess the ductility of tubes.
The ring tensile test is applicable to tubes having an outside diameter exceeding 150 mm and a wall thickness no greater than 40 mm. The inside diameter shall be greater than 100 mm.