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现行 UL 62368-1
Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment - Part 1: Safety requirements 音频/视频、信息和通信技术设备第1部分:安全要求
发布日期: 2019-12-13
音频/视频、信息和通信技术设备-第1部分:安全要求SUL 62368-11范围本部分IEC 62368适用于音频、视频、信息和通信技术领域内的电气和电子设备的安全,以及额定电压不超过600 V的商用和办公机器。本标准不包括对设备性能或功能特性的要求。注1本标准范围内的设备示例见附录a。注2 600 V的额定电压被视为包括400/690 V的设备。 IEC 62368的本部分也适用于:-拟并入本设备的部件和子组件。此类组件和子组件无需符合本标准的所有要求,前提是包含此类组件和子组件的完整设备确实符合要求为IEC 62368本部分范围内的其他设备供电的外部电源装置拟与IEC 62368本部分范围内的设备一起使用的附件。IEC 62368的本部分不适用于非设备组成部分的电源系统,如电机- 发电机组、备用电池系统和配电变压器。IEC 62328的本部分规定了普通人、受训人员和技术人员的防护措施。其他要求可能适用于明确设计或计划供儿童使用或特别吸引儿童的设备。注3:在澳大利亚,由受训人员或熟练人员进行的工作可能需要监管机构的正式许可。除非制造商另有规定,否则本标准假定海拔高度为2000米。IEC 62368的本部分不适用于潮湿区域使用的设备。 其他要求可能适用。IEC 60950-22给出了户外安装设备的附加要求。IEC 62368的本部分不涉及:-除安全测试外的制造过程;-热分解或燃烧释放的气体的有害影响;-处置流程;-运输影响(本标准规定的除外);-材料、部件或设备本身储存的影响α粒子和β粒子等粒子辐射造成伤害的可能性辐射或对流热能导致热损伤的可能性; -易燃液体造成伤害的可能性;-在富氧或爆炸性环境中使用设备;-接触第7条规定以外的化学品静电放电事件环境方面;-功能安全要求。注4:有关电子安全相关系统(例如保护性电子电路)的具体功能和软件安全要求,请参见IEC 61508-1.1DV。1修改第1条,在第三段后添加以下内容:不属于固定设备组成部分的备用电池系统,如在单独的机柜中提供的备用电池系统,应符合备用电池系统的适当标准,如UL 1973、轻轨(LER)应用和固定应用中使用的电池。 注:有关UL 1973涵盖的独立电能存储系统(EES)的更多信息,请参见UL 1973的图1.1和1.2,该系统可包括低压(ES或ES2级)和高压(ES3级)子系统、电池管理、热管理以及相关功能和安全措施。当与AV、IT和CT设备互连,并通常与不间断电源(UPS)一起使用时,此类EES通常在停电和类似干扰期间作为主电源的短期替代品。1DV。2修改第1条,将第七段替换为以下内容: CSA/UL 60950-22中给出了用于户外安装的信息和通信技术设备的附加要求。CAN/CSA C22中的相关要求给出了户外安装音频/视频设备的附加要求。2台60065或UL 60065.1DV。3修改第1条,增加以下内容:1DV。3.1本标准也适用于根据加拿大电气规范第一部分CSA C22设计安装的设备。1-12; 加拿大电气规范(CEC)第二部分,一般要求,CAN/CSA C22。2号0-10;美国国家电气规范NFPA 70- 2014; 以及国家电气安全规范IEEE C2-2012.1DV。3.2本标准也适用于根据NFPA 70-2014《国家电气规范》第645条和NFPA 75-2013.1DV《信息技术设备保护标准》设计安装的设备,如果通过标记或说明进行标识[见附件dvk(附件DVA,第1条条目)]。3.3适用于本设备的要求和监管要求参考(如适用)见附录dva。1DV。4修改第1条,增加以下内容:1DV。4.1本标准包括用于娱乐目的的设备的附加要求,这些设备拟安装在医疗设施的普通患者护理区域。 见附件dvb。1DV。4.2本标准包括拟安装在厨柜下的设备的附加要求。见附件dvc。1DV。4.3本标准不适用于具有远程馈电远程通信(RFT)电路的设备。具有RFT电路的设备包含在CSA/UL 60950-21.1DV中。4.4其他要求可能适用于大型数据存储设备。参考CSA/UL 60950-23.1DV。4.5本标准不包括模块化数据中心(MDC),仅包括其中包含的信息和通信技术设备。注:在美国,模块化数据中心由UL 2755模块化数据中心覆盖。 1DV。5修改第1条,增加以下内容:1DV。5.1配电设备和子组件1DV。5.1.1本标准还适用于连接至干线的配电组件,该干线用于在本标准涵盖的设备系统内完全分配电力,例如电源分配单元(PDU),其形式为带多个电源插座(插座)的电源线连接的电源条和机架,并拟安装在系统机架、机柜、,家庭娱乐中心等1DV。5.1.2对于本标准涵盖的设备,包括执行其他标准涵盖的配电和控制功能的组件和子组件,如配电盘、负载转移设备或功率调节器和计算机电源中心中使用的不间断电源系统,本标准仅可用于其他标准未涵盖的安全方面的调查。 1DV。5.1.3本标准也不适用于单独配电设备标准所涵盖的用于分配主电源的独立设备。1DV。5.1.4根据具体功能,以下要求适用于独立配电设备,或适用于本标准所涵盖设备的配电子组件和组件,如1dv所述。5.1.2和1dv。5.1.3:工业控制设备见CSA C22。2号14和UL 508。有关配电盘,请参见CSA C22。2号29和UL 67。有关配电盘,请参阅CSA C22。2号244和UL 891。 有关转换开关设备,请参见CSA C22。2第178.1条和UL 1008条。有关不间断电源系统,请参阅CSA C22。2第107.3号和UL 1778号。通信设备配电中心见UL 1801。对于一般应用的其他形式的配电装置,如可重新定位的电源抽头,请参见CSA C22。2个21号跳线组和电源线,以及UL 1363可移动电源接头。电线连接的浪涌保护装置,见CSA技术信息函A-24,带变阻器的交流电线连接布线装置的临时认证要求,以及UL 1449,浪涌保护装置。 家具配电装置,见CSA C22。2条21号电源线和电源线,以及UL 962A家具配电装置。注1:假设本标准范围内的配电设备与CEC第一部分第0节和NEC第100条中定义的“分支电路”的“插座”互连。对于电线连接的设备,插座是与建筑布线相关的插座。对于永久性连接的设备,插座是与建筑布线相关的分支电路导体与本标准全部或部分涵盖的配电设备相关的输入端子、压力连接器或引线之间的接口。 注2:以下是具有相关功能的硬件的常见定义,需要根据相应的加拿大和美国标准进行额外调查。工业控制面板——由两个或多个部件组成的总成,包括以下部件之一:(1)仅限电源电路部件,如电机控制器、过载继电器、熔断隔离开关和断路器;(2) 仅限控制电路组件,如按钮、指示灯、选择器开关、定时器、开关、控制继电器;或(3)电源和控制电路组件的组合。这些部件以及相关的接线和端子安装在外壳上或包含在外壳内,或安装在子面板上。 工业控制面板不包括受控设备。配电盘——设计用于以单个面板形式组装的单个面板或面板单元组,包括母线和自动过流装置,配备或不配备用于控制光、热或电源电路的开关;设计用于放置在橱柜或开口盒中,放置在墙壁、隔墙或其他支撑物内或靠墙、隔墙或其他支撑物放置;而且只能从前面进入。配电盘——一个大型单面板、框架或面板组件,其正面、背面或两者上安装有开关、过电流和其他保护装置、总线,通常还有仪表。 配电盘通常可以从后部和前部进入,不打算安装在机柜中。转换开关——一种自动或非自动装置,用于将一个或多个负载导体连接从一个电源转移到另一个电源。不间断电源-在电源故障的情况下,用于在一段时间内向负载提供交流电的电源。
Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment - Part 1: Safety requirementsUL 62368-11 ScopeThis part of IEC 62368 is applicable to the safety of electrical and electronic equipment within the field of audio, video, information and communication technology, and business and office machines with a rated voltage not exceeding 600 V. This standard does not include requirements for performance or functional characteristics of equipment.NOTE 1 Examples of equipment within the scope of this standard are given in Annex a.NOTE 2 A RATED VOLTAGE of 600 V is considered to include equipment rated 400/690 V.This part of IEC 62368 is also applicable to: - components and subassemblies intended for incorporation in this equipment. Such components and subassemblies need not comply with every requirement of the standard, provided that the complete equipment, incorporating such components and subassemblies, does comply; - external power supply units intended to supply other equipment within the scope of this part of IEC 62368; - accessories intended to be used with equipment within the scope of this part of IEC 62368.This part of IEC 62368 does not apply to power supply systems which are not an integral part of the equipment, such as motor-generator sets, battery backup systems and distribution transformers.This part of IEC 62328 specifies safeguards for ordinary persons, instructed persons, and skilled persons. Additional requirements may apply for equipment that is clearly designed or intended for use by children or specifically attractive to children.NOTE 3 In Australia, the work conducted by an INSTRUCTED PERSON or a SKILLED PERSON may require formal licensing from regulatory authorities.This standard assumes an altitude of 2 000 m unless specified otherwise by the manufacturer.This part of IEC 62368 does not apply to equipment to be used in wet areas. Additional requirements may apply.Additional requirements for equipment intended for outdoor installation are given in IEC 60950-22.This part of IEC 62368 does not address: - manufacturing processes except safety testing; - injurious effects of gases released by thermal decomposition or combustion; - disposal processes; - effects of transport (other than as specified in this standard); - effects of storage of materials, components, or the equipment itself; - the likelihood of injury from particulate radiation such as alpha particles and beta particles; - the likelihood of thermal injury due to radiated or convected thermal energy; - the likelihood of injury due to flammable liquids; - the use of the equipment in oxygen-enriched or explosive atmospheres; - exposure to chemicals other than as specified in Clause 7; - electrostatic discharge events; - environmental aspects; - requirements for functional safety.NOTE 4 For specific functional and software safety requirements of electronic safety-related systems (for example, protective electronic circuits), see IEC 61508-1.1DV.1 Modify Clause 1 by adding the following text after the third paragraph:Battery backup systems that are not an integral part of stationary equipment, such as provided in separate cabinets, are subject to the appropriate standard for battery backup systems, such as UL 1973, Batteries for Use in Light Electric Rail (LER) Applications and Stationary Applications.NOTE See Figures 1.1 and 1.2 of UL 1973 for more information on independent electric energy storage systems (EESS) covered by UL 1973, which can consist of both low voltage (class ES or ES2) and high voltage (class ES3) subsystems, battery management, thermal management, and related features and safeguards. When interconnected with AV, IT, and CT Equipment, and typically used in conjunction with an uninterruptible power supply (UPS), such EESS typically serve as a short-term substitution of the mains supply during power outages and similar disturbances.1DV.2 Modify Clause 1 by replacing the seventh paragraph with the following:Additional requirements for information and communication technology equipment intended for outdoor installation are given in CSA/UL 60950-22. Additional requirements for audio/video equipment intended for outdoor installation are given in the relevant requirements in CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60065 or UL 60065.1DV.3 Modify Clause 1 by adding the following text:1DV.3.1 This standard also is applicable to equipment designed to be installed in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, CSA C22.1-12; Canadian Electrical Code, (CEC) Part II, General Requirements, CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 0-10; the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70-2014; and the National Electrical Safety Code, IEEE C2-2012.1DV.3.2 The standard is also applicable to equipment, when identified by a marking or instruction [see Annex dvk (Annex DVA, Clause 1 entry)], designed to be installed in accordance with Article 645 of the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70-2014 and the Standard for the Protection of Information Technology Equipment, NFPA 75-2013.1DV.3.3 See Annex dva for requirements and references to regulatory requirements that apply to this equipment, as applicable.1DV.4 Modify Clause 1 by adding the following text:1DV.4.1 This standard includes additional requirements for equipment used for entertainment purposes intended for installation in general patient care areas of health care facilities. See Annex dvb.1DV.4.2 This standard includes additional requirements for equipment intended for mounting under kitchen cabinets. See Annex dvc.1DV.4.3 This standard does not apply to equipment having Remote Feeding Telecommunication (RFT) circuits. Equipment having RFT circuits is covered by CSA/UL 60950-21.1DV.4.4 Additional requirements may apply to large data storage equipment. Refer to CSA/UL 60950-23.1DV.4.5 This standard does not cover Modular Data Centers (MDCs), only the information and communication technology equipment contained within.NOTE: In the U.S., Modular Data Centers are covered by UL 2755, Modular Data Centers.1DV.5 Modify Clause 1 by adding the following text:1DV.5.1 Power Distribution Equipment and Sub-Assemblies1DV.5.1.1 This standard also is applicable to power distribution subassemblies connected to a mains used to distribute power entirely within a system of equipment also covered by this standard, such as power distribution units (PDUs) in the form of cord-connected power strips and shelves with multiple power outlets (receptacles) and intended to be installed in system racks, cabinets, home entertainment centers, etc.1DV.5.1.2 For equipment covered by this standard that incorporates components and sub-assemblies that perform a power distribution and control function covered by other standards, such as panelboards, load transfer equipment, or uninterruptible power systems utilized in power conditioners and computer power centers, this standard only may be used for investigation of safety for those aspects not covered by the other standards.1DV.5.1.3 This standard also does not apply to stand-alone equipment used for distribution of mains power that is covered by individual power distribution equipment standards.1DV.5.1.4 Based on the specific function, the following requirements are applicable to the stand-alone distribution equipment, or apply additionally to power distribution sub-assemblies and components of equipment covered by this standard, as described in 1dv.5.1.2 and 1dv.5.1.3:For Industrial Control Equipment, see CSA C22.2 No. 14 and UL 508.For Panelboards, see CSA C22.2 No. 29 and UL 67.For Switchboards, see CSA C22.2 No 244 and UL 891.For Transfer Switch Equipment, see CSA C22.2 No 178.1 and UL 1008.For Uninterruptible Power Systems, see CSA C22.2 No. 107.3 and UL 1778.For Power Distribution Centers for Communications Equipment, see UL 1801.For other forms of power distribution units for general applications, such as,Relocatable Power Taps, see CSA C22.2 No. 21, Cord Sets and Power Supply Cords, and UL 1363, Relocatable Power Taps.Cord connected Surge Protective Devices, see CSA Technical Information Letter No. A-24, Interim Certification Requirements for AC Line Connected Wiring Devices with Varistors, and UL 1449, Surge Protective Devices.Furniture Power Distribution Units, see CSA C22.2 No. 21, Cord Sets and Power Supply Cords, and UL 962A, Furniture Power Distribution Units.NOTE 1 It is assumed that power distribution equipment covered by the scope of this Standard is interconnected to the "Outlet" of a "Branch Circuit" as defined in Section 0 of the CEC, Part I, and Article 100 of the NEC. In the case of cord-connected equipment, the Outlet is the Receptacle associated with the building wiring. In the case of permanently connected equipment, the Outlet is the interface between the Branch Circuit conductors associated with the building wiring and the input terminals, pressure connectors, or leads associated with the power distribution equipment covered in whole or part by this standard.NOTE 2 The following are common definitions of the hardware with related functions that require additional investigation to the appropriate Canadian and U.S. standards.Industrial Control Panel - An assembly of two or more components consisting of one of the following:(1) Power circuit components only, such as motor controllers, overload relays, fused disconnect switches, and circuit breakers;(2) Control circuit components only, such as pushbuttons, pilot lights, selector switches, timers, switches, control relays; or(3) A combination of power and control circuit components.These components, with associated wiring and terminals, are mounted on or contained within an enclosure or mounted on a subpanel. The industrial control panel does not include the controlled equipment.Panelboard - A single panel or group of panel units designed for assembly in the form of a single panel, including buses and automatic overcurrent devices, and equipped with or without switches for the control of light, heat, or power circuits; designed to be placed in a cabinet or cutout box placed in or against a wall, partition, or other support; and accessible only from the front.Switchboard - A large single panel, frame, or assembly of panels on which are mounted, on the face, back, or both, switches, overcurrent and other protective devices, buses, and usually instruments. Switchboards are generally accessible from the rear as well as from the front and are not intended to be installed in cabinets.Transfer Switch - An automatic or nonautomatic device for transferring one or more load conductor connections from one power source to another.Uninterruptible Power Supply - A power supply used to provide alternating current power to a load for some period of time in the event of a power failure.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国保险商实验所
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Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment-Safety requirements
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音频/视频 信息和通信技术设备 第1部分 安全要求
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Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment - Part 1: Safety requirements
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音视频、信息技术和通信技术设备 第1部分:安全要求
Audio/video,information and communication technology equipment—Part 1: Safety requirements
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音频/视频、信息和通信技术设备 环保设计
UNE-EN 62075-2009
Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment- Environmentally conscious design
GOST R IEC 62075-2011
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音频/视频 信息和通信技术设备 环保设计
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Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment - Environmentally conscious design
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Audio/Video,information and communication technology equipment—Enviromentally conscious design
UL 2416
Audio/Video, Information and Communication Technology Equipment Cabinet, Enclosure and Rack Systems
GOST IEC/TR 62368-2-2014
Аудио-, видеоаппаратура, оборудование информационных технологий и техники связи. Часть 2. Пояснительная информация к IEC 62368-1
音频/视频 信息和通信技术设备 第2部分:与IEC 62368-1相关的说明信息
BS 07/30091745 DC
BS IEC 62368. Audio/Video, information and communication technology equipment. Safety. requirements
BS IEC 62368 音频/视频、信息和通信技术设备 安全要求
BS PD IEC TR 62368-2-2019
Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment-Explanatory information related to IEC 62368-1:2018
IEC TR 62368-2-2019 RLV
Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment - Part 2: Explanatory information related to IEC 62368-1:2018
音频/视频、信息和通信技术设备.第2部分:与IEC 62368-1:2018相关的说明信息
IEC TR 62368-2-2019
Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment - Part 2: Explanatory information related to IEC 62368-1:2018
音频/视频、信息和通信技术设备.第2部分:与IEC 62368-1:2018相关的说明信息
BS EN IEC 62368-3-2020
Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment-Safety aspects for DC power transfer through communication cables and ports
KS C IEC 62368-3
오디오/비디오, 정보 통신 기술 기기 —제3부: 통신 케이블과 포트를 통한 DC 전력 전송의 안전 측면