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现行 ASTM D7100-11(2020)
Standard Test Method for Hydraulic Conductivity Compatibility Testing of Soils with Aqueous Solutions 用水溶液进行土壤液压电导率相容性试验的标准试验方法
发布日期: 2020-02-15
1.1 本试验方法涵盖在实验室中使用可改变导水性(例如,废物相关液体)的水溶液,使用柔性壁渗透计对饱和土壤进行导水性兼容性试验。进行导水率测试,直到达到水力和化学平衡,以便考虑渗透土壤样本和水溶液之间相对于测量导水率的潜在相互作用。 1.2 本试验方法适用于导水率小于约1×10的土壤 –8 米/秒。 1.3 除导水性外,如果水溶液的密度和粘度已知或可以确定,则可以确定土壤的特性渗透性。 1.4 本试验方法适用于所有类型的试样,包括原状、重组、重塑、压实等试样。 1.5 可以使用三种方法对样本进行饱和和渗透。方法1用于用水饱和和水溶液渗透。方法2用于水溶液的饱和和渗透。方法3适用于水饱和、水初始渗透和水溶液后续渗透。 1.6 根据时间测量通过试样的流量,以响应在试样上产生的水力梯度。在试验过程中,监测流入和流出液体的数量和性质。 1.7 使用与测试方法中所述的含水饱和土壤导水率测定类似的程序测定水溶液的导水率 D5084 . 可以使用几种测试程序,包括下降源头上升尾水、恒定水头、下降源头- 恒定尾水或恒定流速测试程序。 1.8 单位- 以国际单位制表示的数值应视为标准值。括号中给出的值仅供参考,不被视为标准值。 1.8.1 在美国,导水率传统上以厘米/秒表示,即使导水率的官方国际单位为米/秒。 1.8.2 在处理英寸磅单位时,使用英寸磅单位的重力系统。在这个系统中,磅(lbf)表示力(重量)的单位,而质量的单位是段塞。 1.8.3 段塞质量单位几乎从未在商业实践中使用过;i、 因此,本标准中的质量标准单位为千克(kg)或克(g),或两者兼有。此外,括号中未给出/显示等效英寸-磅单位(slug)。然而,使用天平或天平记录磅质量(lbm)或记录密度(lbm/ft) 3. 不应视为不符合本标准。 1.9 本标准包含与使用危险液体相关的危险章节(第 7. ). 1.10 本标准并非旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题(如有)。 本标准的用户有责任在使用前制定适当的安全、健康和环境实践,并确定监管限制的适用性。 1.11 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认标准化原则制定的。 ====意义和用途====== 4.1 本试验方法用于测量一个- 在施加的水力梯度和有效应力下,水溶液(例如,垃圾填埋场渗滤液、液体废物和副产品、单一和混合化学品等,从这里称为渗透液)通过初始饱和土壤的三维流动。一些渗透性液体和一些粘性土壤之间的相互作用导致土壤的水力传导率相对于渗透水的相同土壤的水力传导率显著增加 ( 1. ) . 4. 本试验方法用于评估渗透土样和渗透液之间潜在相互作用的存在及其对土样水力传导率的影响。 测试程序可能包括与渗透水的土壤的水力传导率相对于渗透水溶液的相同土壤的水力传导率之间的比较,以确定由于水溶液引起的土壤水力传导率的变化。 4.2 柔性壁导水率测试用于确定水溶液通过土壤的流动特性。对于水溶液测试,使用柔性壁细胞进行导水性测试通常优于刚性壁细胞,因为刚性壁细胞可能会出现侧壁泄漏问题- 壁细胞。例如,当由于刚性壁室中土壤和渗透液之间的相互作用,测试土壤在渗透渗透液的过程中收缩时,可能会发生过度的侧壁泄漏。此外,使用刚性壁单元不允许控制试样中存在的有效应力。 4.3 达西定律描述了通过试验土壤的层流。层流条件和达西定律在某些试验条件下可能无效。例如,渗透液体和土壤之间的相互作用可能会导致土壤严重窜槽/开裂,从而无法通过包含大型开放流动通道的试样维持层流。 4.4 在渗透某些渗透性液体的过程中,可能会发生堵塞试验土壤孔隙空间的相互作用(例如,沉淀)。在这些情况下,通过试验土壤的流量可能受到严重限制。如果测得的导水率小于1×10 –12 非稳态分析可用于确定试验土壤的水力传导率 ( 2. ) . 4.5 初始水饱和土壤(例如,未扰动的天然土壤)的样本可以渗透渗透液。水非饱和土(例如压实土)的样本可能被水或渗透液完全饱和,然后被渗透液渗透。 最初被特定液体部分或完全饱和的土壤样本(例如,在使用一段时间后从安全壳设施收集的样本)可以完全饱和,然后用相同或另一种液体渗透。使用不同的饱和和渗透液体会对测试结果和结果的解释产生显著影响 ( 1. ) . 根据试样的特性和特定应用的要求,选择用于试样饱和和渗透的液体类型和顺序,在测试程序中进行渗透性测试。 本标准的用户负责选择和指定最能代表预期应用的饱和度和渗透条件。 4.6 在一个测试程序中,可以使用两种方法来确定含水和水溶液土壤的导水率,以比较基于水渗透的导水率和基于水溶液渗透的导水率。在第一种方法中,首先使试样饱和(如果需要)并用水渗透,然后将渗透液转换为水溶液。 该测试顺序允许在同一试样上测定水和水溶液的水力传导率。在同一样本上获得水和水溶液值可以减少与样本制备、处理和测试条件变化相关的不确定性。然而,此类测试序列可能不代表实际现场条件,并可能影响测试结果。在第二种方法中,同一土壤的两个样本被渗透,其中一个样本被水渗透,另一个样本被水溶液渗透。 使用相同的样品制备和处理方法制备样品,并在相同的测试条件下进行测试。这种方法可能比第一种方法更好地代表实际现场条件,但是,由于使用单独的样本来确定基于水和水溶液渗透的导水率,可能会产生不确定性。实践中提供了用于比较研究的多个样本的制备和测试指南 E691 . 当需要比较导水率时,本标准的用户应负责选择和指定最能代表预期应用的方法。 4.7 试验方法中使用的终止标准基于实现与流量有关的稳态条件和出水(流出)相对于进水(流入)的化学成分之间的平衡。 4.8 除了水力传导率外,还可以使用本标准中描述的渗透测试结果来确定固有渗透性。 4.9 使用该试验方法获得的结果与现场材料的水力传导率之间的相关性尚未完全确定。实验室小试样上测得的导水率与现场大体积试样测得的导水率之间可能存在差异。 因此,使用本标准获得的结果应谨慎地由合格人员应用于现场情况。 4.10 虽然不需要测定水溶液中土壤的水力传导率,但土壤化学性质(如pH值、电导率、可交换金属(阳离子)和阳离子交换容量)以及土壤的矿物学成分可能有助于解释和解释测试结果。 注1: 本标准产生的结果的质量取决于使用本标准的人员的能力以及设备和设施的适用性。 符合实践标准的机构 D3740 通常认为能够胜任和客观的测试/采样/检查等。本标准的用户应注意遵守惯例 D3740 本身并不能保证可靠的结果。可靠的结果取决于许多因素;实践 D3740 提供了一种评估其中一些因素的方法。
1.1 This test method covers hydraulic conductivity compatibility testing of saturated soils in the laboratory with aqueous solutions that may alter hydraulic conductivity (for example, waste related liquids) using a flexible-wall permeameter. A hydraulic conductivity test is conducted until both hydraulic and chemical equilibrium are achieved such that potential interactions between the soil specimen being permeated and the aqueous solution are taken into consideration with respect to the measured hydraulic conductivity. 1.2 This test method is applicable to soils with hydraulic conductivities less than approximately 1 × 10 –8 m/s. 1.3 In addition to hydraulic conductivity, intrinsic permeability can be determined for a soil if the density and viscosity of the aqueous solution are known or can be determined. 1.4 This test method can be used for all specimen types, including undisturbed, reconstituted, remolded, compacted, etc. specimens. 1.5 A specimen may be saturated and permeated using three methods. Method 1 is for saturation with water and permeation with aqueous solution. Method 2 is for saturation and permeation with aqueous solution. Method 3 is for saturation with water, initial permeation with water, and subsequent permeation with aqueous solution. 1.6 The amount of flow through a specimen in response to a hydraulic gradient generated across the specimen is measured with respect to time. The amount and properties of influent and effluent liquids are monitored during the test. 1.7 The hydraulic conductivity with an aqueous solution is determined using procedures similar to determination of hydraulic conductivity of saturated soils with water as described in Test Methods D5084 . Several test procedures can be used, including the falling headwater-rising tailwater, the constant-head, the falling headwater-constant tailwater, or the constant rate-of-flow test procedures. 1.8 Units— The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are provided for information only and are not considered standard. 1.8.1 Hydraulic conductivity has traditionally been expressed in cm/s in the U.S., even though the official SI unit for hydraulic conductivity is m/s. 1.8.2 The gravitational system of inch-pound units is used when dealing with inch-pound units. In this system, the pound (lbf) represents a unit of force (weight), while the unit for mass is slugs. 1.8.3 The slug unit of mass is almost never used in commercial practice; i.e., density, balances, etc. Therefore, the standard unit for mass in this standard is either kilogram (kg) or gram (g), or both. Also, the equivalent inch-pound unit (slug) is not given/presented in parentheses. However, the use of balances or scales recording pounds of mass (lbm) or recording density in lbm/ft 3 shall not be regarded as nonconformance with this standard. 1.9 This standard contains a Hazards section related to using hazardous liquids (Section 7 ). 1.10 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.11 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 4.1 This test method is used to measure one-dimensional flow of aqueous solutions (for example, landfill leachates, liquid wastes and byproducts, single and mixed chemicals, etc., from hereon referred to as the permeant liquid) through initially saturated soils under an applied hydraulic gradient and effective stress. Interactions between some permeant liquids and some clayey soils have resulted in significant increases in the hydraulic conductivity of the soils relative to the hydraulic conductivity of the same soils permeated with water ( 1 ) . 4 This test method is used to evaluate the presence and effect of potential interactions between the soil specimen being permeated and the permeant liquid on the hydraulic conductivity of the soil specimen. Test programs may include comparisons between the hydraulic conductivity of soils permeated with water relative to the hydraulic conductivity of the same soils permeated with aqueous solutions to determine variations in the hydraulic conductivity of the soils due to the aqueous solutions. 4.2 Flexible-wall hydraulic conductivity testing is used to determine flow characteristics of aqueous solutions through soils. Hydraulic conductivity testing using flexible-wall cells is usually preferred over rigid-wall cells for testing with aqueous solutions due to the potential for sidewall leakage problems with rigid-wall cells. Excessive sidewall leakage may occur, for example, when a test soil shrinks during permeation with the permeant liquid due to interactions between the soil and the permeant liquid in a rigid-wall cell. In addition, the use of a rigid-wall cell does not allow for control of the effective stresses that exist in the test specimen. 4.3 Darcy’s law describes laminar flow through a test soil. Laminar flow conditions and, therefore, Darcy’s law may not be valid under certain test conditions. For example, interactions between a permeating liquid and a soil may cause severe channeling/cracking of the soil such that laminar flow is not maintained through a test specimen containing large open pathways for flow. 4.4 Interactions that may clog the pore spaces of test soils (for example, precipitation) may occur during permeation with some permeant liquids. Flow through test soils may be severely restricted in these cases. In cases where the measured hydraulic conductivity is less than 1 × 10 –12 m/s, unsteady state analysis may be used to determine the hydraulic conductivity of test soils ( 2 ) . 4.5 Specimens of initially water-saturated soils (for example, undisturbed natural soils) may be permeated with the permeant liquid. Specimens of water unsaturated soils (for example, compacted soils) may be fully saturated with water or the permeant liquid and then permeated with the permeant liquid. Specimens of soils initially partly or fully saturated with a particular liquid (for example, specimens collected from a containment facility subsequent to a period of use) may be fully saturated and then permeated with the same or another liquid. The use of different saturating and permeating liquids can have significant effects both on the results and the interpretation of the results of a test ( 1 ) . Selection of type and sequence of liquids for saturation and permeation of test specimens is based on the characteristics of the test specimens and the requirements of the specific application for which the hydraulic conductivity testing is being conducted in a test program. The user of this standard is responsible for selecting and specifying the saturation and permeation conditions that best represent the intended application. 4.6 Hydraulic conductivity of a soil with water and aqueous solution can be determined using two approaches in a test program for comparisons between the hydraulic conductivity based on permeation with water and the hydraulic conductivity based on permeation with aqueous solution. In the first approach, specimens are initially saturated (if needed) and permeated with water and then the permeating liquid is switched to the aqueous solution. This testing sequence allows for determination of both water and aqueous solution hydraulic conductivities on the same specimen. Obtaining water and aqueous solution values on the same specimen reduces the uncertainties associated with specimen preparation, handling, and variations in test conditions. However, such testing sequences may not represent actual field conditions and may affect the results of a test. In the second approach, two specimens of the same soil are permeated, with one specimen being permeated with water and the other specimen being permeated with the aqueous solution. The specimens are prepared using the same sample preparation and handling methods and tested under the same testing conditions. This approach may represent actual field conditions better than the first approach, however, uncertainties may arise due to the use of separate specimens for determining hydraulic conductivities based on permeation with water and the aqueous solution. Guidelines for preparing and testing multiple specimens for comparative studies are provided in Practice E691 . The user of this standard shall be responsible for selecting and specifying the approach that best represents the intended application when comparisons of hydraulic conductivity are required. 4.7 Termination criteria used in the test method are based on both achieving steady-state conditions with respect to flow and equilibrium between the chemical composition of the effluent (outflow) relative to the influent (inflow). 4.8 Intrinsic permeability can be determined in addition to hydraulic conductivity using results of permeation tests described in this standard. 4.9 The correlation between results obtained using this test method and the hydraulic conductivities of in-place field materials has not been completely determined. Differences may exist between the hydraulic conductivities measured on small test specimens in the laboratory and those obtained for larger volumes in the field. Therefore, the results obtained using this standard should be applied to field situations with caution and by qualified personnel. 4.10 While not required for determining the hydraulic conductivity of soils with aqueous solutions, soil chemical properties such as pH, electrical conductivity, exchangeable metals (cations), and cation exchange capacity as well as the mineralogical composition of the soil may be useful in the interpretation and explanation of the test results. Note 1: The quality of the result produced by this standard is dependent of the competence of the personnel using this standard and the suitability of the equipment and facilities. Agencies that meet the criteria of Practice D3740 are generally considered capable of competent and objective testing/sampling/inspection/etc. Users of this standard are cautioned that compliance with Practice D3740 does not in itself assure reliable results. Reliable results depend on many factors; Practice D3740 provides a means of evaluating some of these factors.
归口单位: D18.04
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