BS EN 14141. Valves for natural gas transportation in pipelines. Performance requirements and tests
英国标准EN 14141 管道天然气输送用阀门 性能要求和测试
交叉引用:EN 19EN 473:2008EN 549EN 558EN 571-1EN 736-1EN 736-2EN 736-3EN 682EN 1369:1996EN 1371-1:1997EN 1435:1997EN 1503-1EN 1515-1EN 1594EN ISO 5210ISO 5210:1991EN ISO 5211ISO 5211:2001EN 10045-1EN 10204:2004EN 10228-1:1999EN 10228-2:1998EN 10228-4EN ISO 10426-2006EN 12517-2006EN 12517:2006EN 1251712627:1999EN 12681EN 12982EN 13942:2009ISO 14313:2007EN ISO 17638EN ISO 17640EN ISO 23277EN ISO 23278MSS-SP-55EN ISO 9001ISO 9001:2008EN 45004EN 450011ISO/IEC指南65:1996购买本文件时提供的所有当前修订版均包括在内。
Cross References:EN 19EN 473:2008EN 549EN 558EN 571-1EN 736-1EN 736-2EN 736-3EN 682EN 1369:1996EN 1371-1:1997EN 1435:1997EN 1503-1EN 1503-2EN 1515-1EN 1515-2EN 1594EN ISO 5210ISO 5210:1991EN ISO 5211ISO 5211:2001EN 10045-1EN 10204:2004EN 10228-1:1999EN 10228-2:1998EN 10228-3:1998EN 10228-4EN ISO 10497ISO 10497:2004EN ISO 11666prEN 12266-1:2009EN 12516-1EN 12516-2EN 12516-3EN 12517-1:2006EN 12627:1999EN 12681EN 12982EN 13942:2009ISO 14313:2007EN ISO 17637EN ISO 17638EN ISO 17640EN ISO 23277EN ISO 23278MSS-SP-55EN ISO 9001ISO 9001:2008EN 45004EN 45011ISO/IEC Guide 65:1996All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.