Low-pressure membrane filtration systems can be successfully integrated into various stages
within existing water treatment facilities to provide advanced treatment and/or additional
treatment capacity. The determination of the optimal location for implementing a membrane
system within a sequence of treatment processes depends upon system specific considerations.
Key system considerations that often impact the location of the membrane system include the
benefit of pretreatment - membrane performance may be improved from pretreatment of
the membrane system feed water, often resulting in decreased capital and operational
ease of pumping and treatment operations - an increasing number of pumping and/or
treatment steps can increase the complexity and cost of plant operations and maintenance;
availability/cost of pretreatment - the availability of existing pretreatment facilities and
the costs (capital and operational) associated with new or modified pretreatment;
reuse of facilities - impact of the membrane process location on potential value from
reuse of existing facilities;
treatment goals - impact of the membrane process location on the ability to achieve the
primary goals of the membrane treatment facilities;
waste disposal - impact of membrane process location on waste disposal issues;
ease of implementation - impact of membrane process location on constructability and
ease of implementation; and,
redundancy/reliability - impact of the membrane process location on redundancy and
reliability of the water treatment system.
The means by which these considerations can impact the optimal location for implementing
membrane facilities is demonstrated in this paper through a review of the experiences of three
utilities implementing membrane systems into existing treatment facilities located on Lake
Michigan. Although each utility treats water from the same source, the water treatment utilities
in Manitowoc, Wisconsin; Racine, Wisconsin; and Highland Park, Illinois has each proceeded with a different
strategy for implementing membrane treatment as a result of these system specific considerations.
Includes tables, figures.