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现行 ISO 18951-1:2022
Imaging materials — Scratch resistance of photographic prints — Part 1: General test method 成像材料.照相印刷品的耐刮擦性.第1部分:一般试验方法
发布日期: 2022-11-22
本文件规定了测试方法、测试目标和报告要求,以确定带有摄影图像的印刷品的耐刮擦性。摄影图像可以通过广泛的印刷技术产生,包括卤化银、电子照相、喷墨、染料扩散热转印(通常称为染料升华)和染料转印工艺。本文件适用于纸质基材和其他类型基材的印刷品,包括塑料、玻璃、金属和其他材料上的印刷品。本文件适用于没有保护的照片以及受涂层或层压保护的照片。 本文件的目的不是定义可接受性或失效的限度。它们将由用户和预期的应用程序来确定。

This document specifies test method, test target, and reporting requirements to determine the scratch resistance of prints with photographic images. Photographic images can be produced by a wide range of printing technologies, including silver halide, electrophotography, inkjet, dye diffusion thermal transfer, commonly known as dye sublimation, and dye transfer processes. This document is applicable to prints with paper substrate and other type of substrates including prints on plastic, glass, metal and other materials. This document is applicable to photographic prints that have no protection as well as photographic prints that are protected by a coating or lamination.

It is not the purpose of this document to define limits of acceptability or failure. They would be determined by the user and the intended application.

归口单位: ISO/TC 42