Specification for approval testing of welders working to approved welding procedures-Arc welding of tube to tube-plate joints in metallic materials
按照批准的焊接程序工作的焊工的批准测试规范 金属材料中管与管板接头的电弧焊
Information to the welder, items to be recorded in test, changes not affecting approval, extent of approval, types of test joint, examination and testing, statement of results, re-approval, recommended approval test certificate.Cross References:BS 499:Part 1BS 639BS 709BS 2493BS 2600:Part 1BS 2901:Part 1BS 2901:Part 2BS 2901:Part 5BS 2910BS 2926BS 3971BS 4165BS 4416BS 4870:Part 3BS 5465BS 6072