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现行 FM Approvals 4440
Explosion Venting Wall Systems Including Fasteners and Latches for Damage Limiting Construction 防爆通风墙系统 包括用于限制损坏的紧固件和插销
发布日期: 1973-05-01
本标准规定了再泄压通风系统的批准要求,包括限损结构的紧固件和插销。受限区域内的意外爆炸通常会导致超压情况,实际压力远远超过外壳的设计强度。单独使用或单独使用可能会对建筑物造成重大损坏。为了减轻意外爆炸造成的潜在损害,需要某种形式的损害限制结构(DLC)。爆炸通风板被用作损伤限制结构的一个元素。一种常见的数据链路连接器(DLC)设计将通风板与加固墙结合起来。 将泄压面板固定至外壳的最常用方法之一是使用防爆紧固件。在正常情况下,防爆紧固件将墙板固定在结构上,并能够承受风等典型荷载。这些紧固件允许面板保持在原位,但设计为在超过每个紧固件的特定力时失效,如爆炸时。
This standard states Approval requirements for rexplosion venting systems including fasteners and latches for damage limiting construction.Accidental explosions in confined areas generally result in over-pressure situations where the actual pressures far exceed the design strength of the enclosure. This condition will result in significant damage to the enclosure which may be a room in a larger building or a separate stand alone building. To mitigate the potential damage caused by accidental explosions, some form of damage limiting construction (DLC) is needed. Explosion venting panels are used as an element of damage limiting construction. A common DLC design would combine venting panels with reinforced walls.One of the most common methods of securing the pressure relieving panels to an enclosure is with explosion venting fasteners. Under normal conditions, the explosion venting fasteners secure the wall panels to the structure and are able to withstand typical loadings such as wind. these fasteners allow the panels to remain in place but are designed to fail when a specific force per fastener is exceeded such as would be the case during an explosion.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类