BS EN 60780-323:2017 describes the basic requirements for qualifying electrical
equipment important to safety and interfaces (electrical and mechanical) that are to be used
in nuclear facilities. The principles, methods, and procedures described are intended to be
used for qualifying equipment, maintaining and extending qualification, and updating
qualification, as required, if the equipment is modified. The qualification requirements in this
standard, when met, demonstrate and document the ability of equipment to perform safety
function(s) under applicable service conditions, including design basis events and certain
design extension conditions, and reduce the risk of environmentally induced common-cause
equipment failure.Cross References:IEEE 344:2013IEC 60980IEC 60068-2-6IEC 60216-1IAEA Safety Glossary 2007IEC 60811-412IAEA NP-T-3.61:2012IEEE 535:2006IEEE 638:1992IEEE 1064:1991IEC 60068-2-27IEEE 317:2013IEEE 572:2006IEEE 420:2013IEC 62003IEEE 603:2009IEEE 383:2003IEEE 628:2011IEEE 62582IEC 60529IEC 60216-2IEC 61000-4IAEA TECDOC-932IEEE 99:2007IEEE 650:2006IEEE 382:2006IEEE 101:1987IEEE 98:2002IEEE 1205:2014IEEE 334:2006IEEE 943:1986IEC 60068-2-11IEC 60068-2-14IEC 60068-3-3IEC 60544-2IEC 60068-2-30IEEE 7-4.3.2:2010IEC 62342IEEE 649:2006IEC 60068-2-57Incorporates the following:Corrigendum, December 2017