Sound system equipment: Headphones and earphones associated with personal music players. Maximum sound pressure level measurement methodology-General method for "one package equipment"
音响系统设备:与个人音乐播放器相关的耳机和耳机 最大声压级测量方法
Cross References:HD 483.1 S2IEC 60268-1EN 50332-2:2013EN 60094-7IEC 60094-7EN 60268-7IEC 60268-7EN 60315-4EN 60318-4IEC 60318-4EN 61260IEC 61260EN 61672-1IEC 61672-1IEC 60318-7EN 60065:2002IEC 60065:2001EN 60094-1IEC 60094-1EN 60094-2IEC 60094-2EN 60651IEC 60651EN 60950-1:2006IEC 60950-1:2005EN 61096IEC 61096EN ISO 11904-2ISO 11904-2HD 560.1 S1IEC 60315-1ITU-T P.57ITU-T P.58Replaces BS EN 50332-1:2000 which remains current.All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.