Testing earth-moving machinery-Determination of turning dimensions of wheeled machines
测试土方机械 轮式机械转动尺寸的测定
规定了轮式土方机械及其设备在转弯时在水平面上描述的转弯半径、转弯直径、机器间隙直径以及内外轮胎间隙直径的测量方法。交叉引用:ISO 5010:1992 ISO 6165:1997 ISO 9248:1992
Specifies the methods of measuring the turning radius, turning diameter, machine clearance diameter, and inside and outside tyre clearance diameters, described in the horizontal plane by a wheeled earth-moving machine with its equipment when executing a turn.Cross References:ISO 5010:1992ISO 6165:1997ISO 9248:1992