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现行 ASTM D6235-18
Standard Practice for Expedited Site Characterization of Vadose Zone and Groundwater Contamination at Hazardous Waste Contaminated Sites 危险废物污染场所的包气带和地下水污染的快速现场特性的标准实施规程
发布日期: 2018-12-15
1.1 ESC过程的适用性- 本规程涵盖了危险废物污染场地的快速场地表征(ESC)过程 2. 确定渗流区、地下水和其他相关污染物迁移路径,并确定污染物的分布、浓度和归宿,以便为ESC客户、监管机构和利益相关者提供选择行动方案的必要信息。 3. 通常,该过程适用于较大规模的项目或受污染场地,与替代方法相比,ESC过程可以合理预期减少场地特征描述的时间和成本。ESC过程已成功应用于各种现场(参见 表X1.1 ). 与传统的站点特征描述相比,它通常实现了显著的成本和进度节约(参见 X1.2 和 X1.3 ), 4. 尽管应该认识到,危险废物污染场所的深入现场表征可能需要比ESC更复杂的过程。 1.2 ESC过程的特点- ESC过程在现有监管计划的框架内运行。其重点是仅收集满足表征目标所需的信息,并确保一旦达到目标就停止表征。ESC过程的核心是使用基于判断的采样和测量,由一个综合的多学科团队在有限数量的现场动员中表征渗流区和地下水污染,由技术负责人领导,在动态工作计划的框架内运作,该工作计划使他或她能够灵活地选择优化数据收集活动所需的测量类型和位置。 表1 确定ESC过程的其他基本特征,以及 图1 给出了整个电子稳定控制过程的流程图。 图1 现场快速表征过程概述 1.3 调查方法- 本规程中描述的过程基于良好的科学实践,但与任何特定的监管计划、现场调查方法或技术、化学分析方法、统计分析方法、风险分析方法或计算机建模代码无关。ESC项目中的适当调查技术具有高度的现场特定性,并根据核心技术团队(尤其是技术团队负责人)的专业判断进行选择和修改。如中所述,只要可行,就使用无创和微创方法 附录X2 . 适当的化学分析方法同样针对现场。 根据数据质量要求、所需周转时间和成本,可以在现场或实验室进行分析。 1.4 现场通常不适合ESC过程- 一般来说,电子稳定控制程序不适用于:小型石油释放场所、不需要超过第一阶段ESA的房地产交易、污染仅限于近地表或没有理由怀疑污染物通过渗流区和地下水移动是一个值得关注的问题的场所,补救措施成本可能低于现场特征描述成本的现场,或现有法规或法规禁止使用ESC过程基本特征的现场。 5. 1.5 其他可能适用于现场表征的ASTM标准- 指导 E1912 介绍了石油释放点的加速现场表征(ASC)和指南 E1739 解决了基于风险的纠正措施(RBCA)过程在石油泄漏现场的使用问题。部分 X1.5.1 描述ASC过程,以及 X1.5.2 讨论ESC和RBCA过程之间的关系。实践 E1527 和 E1528 和指南 E1903 解决房地产交易,以及 X1.5.3 讨论电子稳定控制程序与房地产交易调查之间的关系。分类 D5746 解决国防部设施和实践的不动产区域类型的环境条件 D6008 提供关于进行环境基线调查的指导,以确定联邦不动产环境条件的某些要素。 1.6 以英寸-磅和国际单位制表示的数值应单独视为标准。括号中给出的值仅供参考。 1.7 本标准中对“工程师”的所有提及必须理解为指具有适当经验的合格专业人员(如工程师、土壤科学家或地质学家),如果当地法规要求,还应提供证书。 1.8 这种做法提供了有组织的信息收集或一系列选择,并不建议采取具体行动。本文件不能取代教育或经验,应与专业判断一起使用。并非本惯例的所有方面都适用于所有情况。本ASTM标准不代表或取代必须根据其判断给定专业服务的充分性的谨慎标准,也不应在不考虑项目的许多独特方面的情况下应用本文件。本文件标题中的“标准”一词仅表示该文件已通过ASTM共识程序获得批准。 1.9 本标准并非旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题(如有)。本标准的用户有责任在使用前制定适当的安全、健康和环境实践,并确定监管限制的适用性。 1.10 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认标准化原则制定的。 ====意义和用途====== 4.1 ESC过程- 本规程描述了描述危险废物污染场所特征的过程 8. ,它提供了成本效益高、及时、高质量的信息,这些信息主要来自于判断- 在有限的现场动员期间,由综合、多学科项目团队进行采样和测量。(参见 附录X1 有关ESC过程的其他背景信息,其与传统场地特征的区别,以及其与场地特征和其他方法的关系 附录X5 和 X6 有关ESC过程的示例。) 4.2 确定ESC的适当性- 当电子稳定控制客户、监管机构和利益相关者确定现场的污染物对人类健康或环境构成潜在威胁时,应启动电子稳定控制流程,电子稳定控制流程将及时且经济高效地识别渗流区、地下水和其他污染物迁移路径,尤其是当必须尽快作出有关补救或其他行动的决定时。 该过程可能适用的情况如下: 4.2.1 欧空局- 使用实践进行环境现场评估(ESA)的现场 E1527 实践 E1528 ,和指南 E1903 确定需要进一步、更深入地描述污染物迁移路径的地质和水文系统的污染程度。部分 X1.5.3 讨论ESA和ESC过程之间的关系。 4.2.2 石油释放点- 大型石油泄漏场所,如炼油厂。用户应查看本实践和指南 E1912 评估ESC或ASC流程是否更适合此类站点。 4.2.3 地下放射性- 地下放射性污染的场所或设施。 4.2.4 其他地下污染- 其他场所或设施,其中污染物在渗流区和地下水中的迁移是一个值得关注的问题,渗流区和地下水系统的异质性或污染物的潜在复杂行为需要使用ESC过程。 4.3 定义目标和数据质量要求- ESC过程需要项目目标和数据质量要求,这些目标和要求将为ESC客户、监管机构和利益相关者提供必要的信息,以分析风险或应用基于监管标准的清理,以便选择行动方案。一旦定义了这些,ESC过程依赖于核心技术团队的专家判断,在批准的动态工作计划的框架内操作,作为在整个ESC过程中选择测量和样品类型和位置的主要手段。电子稳定控制系统项目的重点是仅收集实现项目目标所需的信息,并在目标实现后立即停止表征。 注4: 本规程使用术语“数据质量要求”指满足数据预期用途所需的数据准确性和精度水平。 美国环境保护局数据质量目标(DQO)过程是实现这一目标的一种方法。ESC过程将质量控制概念和数据质量要求应用于地质和水文数据以及化学数据,但在基于判断而非统计抽样方法的一般框架内。部分 X1.4.4 更详细地讨论了DQO过程,以及基于判断和统计的抽样方法在ESC过程中的作用。实践 D5792 为开发DQOs提供指导,以生成与废物管理相关的环境数据。 4.4 使用ESC过程进行风险分析和补救措施: 4.4.1 表征污染物迁移途径- 通常情况下,ESC项目将在进行任何涉及暴露于环境受体的详细风险分析之前,对污染物迁移路径(和来源,如果尚未知道)进行表征,因为在迁移路径已知之前,环境受体是未知的。 通常需要风险分析专业知识作为定义项目目标和数据质量要求的输入(参见 4.3 ); 在ESC项目的现场数据收集阶段,酌情涉及此类专业知识。在大多数现场,用于风险分析的污染源和环境受体的识别很简单,本身不需要ESC过程。ESC过程侧重于表征渗流区和地下水污染物迁移路径,并确定这些迁移路径沿线污染物的分布、浓度和归宿,因为这些因素比来源和环境受体更难识别。 4.4.2 考虑补救措施和替代方案- 电子稳定控制过程旨在避免需要补救措施的假设(即,工程解决方案,而不是没有进一步行动或持续监测)。 在任何电子稳定控制系统项目中,补救工程专业知识在确定补救措施需要的最早时间点被纳入该过程。(参见 13.3 .) 指导 D5745 为制定和实施现场补救的短期措施或早期行动提供指导。 4.5 ESC内的灵活性- 如果需要满足项目目标或监管要求,或出于其他原因,可以适当修改本实践中描述的程序。电子稳定控制过程足够灵活,可以适应各种不同的技术方法来获取环境数据。然而,对于符合ASTM正式规定的ESC项目资格的调查,修改不应消除中列出的ESC过程的任何基本特征 表1 . 使用部分(但不是全部)中所述基本元素的替代现场表征方法 表1 可能适用于现场,但这些方法不符合本实践中定义的ESC项目。 注5: 用户可能更愿意为ESC过程的不同方面使用或开发替代术语,这取决于其应用的监管环境。然而,应明确确定ESC过程中步骤或功能的精确或近似等效性。 4.6 将电子稳定控制系统与其他方法结合使用- 本实践可与指南结合使用 D5730 用于识别潜在适用的ASTM标准和主要非ASTM指南。在岩溶和裂隙岩石水文地质环境中,此实践可与指南结合使用 D5717 .
1.1 Applicability of the ESC Process— This practice covers a process for expedited site characterization (ESC) of hazardous waste contaminated sites 2 to identify vadose zone, groundwater and other relevant contaminant migration pathways and determine the distribution, concentration, and fate of contaminants for the purpose of providing an ESC client, regulatory authority, and stakeholders with the necessary information to choose a course of action. 3 Generally, the process is applicable to larger-scale projects or contaminated sites where the ESC process can be reasonably expected to reduce the time and cost of site characterization compared to alternative approaches. The ESC process has been applied successfully at a variety of sites (see Table X1.1 ). It typically achieves significant cost and schedule savings compared to traditional site characterization (see X1.2 and X1.3 ), 4 although it should be recognized that in-depth site characterization of hazardous waste contaminated sites may require a more elaborate process than ESC. 1.2 Features of the ESC Process— The ESC process operates within the framework of existing regulatory programs. It focuses on collecting only the information required to meet characterization objectives and on ensuring that characterization ceases as soon as the objectives are met. Central to the ESC process is the use of judgement-based sampling and measurement to characterize vadose zone and groundwater contamination in a limited number of field mobilizations by an integrated multidisciplinary team, led by a technical leader and operating within the framework of a dynamic work plan that gives him or her the flexibility of responsibility to select the type and location of measurements needed to optimize data collection activities. Table 1 identifies other essential features of the ESC process, and Fig. 1 presents a flow diagram for the entire ESC process. FIG. 1 Overview of the Expedited Site Characterization Process 1.3 Investigation Methods— The process described in this practice is based on good scientific practice but is not tied to any particular regulatory program, site investigation method or technique, chemical analysis method, statistical analysis method, risk analysis method, or computer modeling code. Appropriate investigation techniques in an ESC project are highly site specific and are selected and modified based upon the professional judgement of the core technical team (in particular the technical team leader). Whenever feasible, noninvasive and minimally invasive methods are used, as discussed in Appendix X2 . Appropriate chemical analysis methods are equally site specific. Analyses may be conducted in the field or laboratory, depending on data quality requirements, required turnaround time, and costs. 1.4 Sites Generally Not Appropriate for the ESC Process— Generally, the ESC process is not applicable to: small petroleum release sites, real estate property transactions that require no more than a Phase I ESA, sites where contamination is limited to the near surface or there is no basis for suspecting that contaminant movement through the vadose zone and groundwater is a matter of concern, sites where the cost of remedial action is likely to be less than the cost of site characterization, or sites where existing statutes or regulations prohibit the use of essential features of the ESC process. 5 1.5 Other Potentially Applicable ASTM Standards for Site Characterization— Guide E1912 addresses accelerated site characterization (ASC) for petroleum release sites, and Guide E1739 addresses use of the risk-based corrective action (RBCA) process at petroleum release sites. Section X1.5.1 describes the ASC process, and X1.5.2 discusses the relationship between ESC and the RBCA process. Practices E1527 and E1528 and Guide E1903 address real estate property transactions, and X1.5.3 discusses the relationship between the ESC process and investigations for real estate property transactions. Classification D5746 addresses environmental conditions of property area types for Department of Defense installations, and Practice D6008 provides guidance on conducting environmental baseline surveys to determine certain elements of the environmental condition of federal real property. 1.6 The values stated in both inch-pound and SI units are to be regarded separately as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only. 1.7 All references in this standard to the “engineer” must be understood as referring to a qualified professional (such as an engineer, soil scientist or geologist) who has the appropriate experience and, if required by local regulations, certification. 1.8 This practice offers an organized collection of information or a series of options and does not recommend a specific course of action. This document cannot replace education or experience and should be used in conjunction with professional judgment. Not all aspects of this practice may be applicable in all circumstances. This ASTM standard is not intended to represent or replace the standard of care by which the adequacy of a given professional service must be judged, nor should this document be applied without consideration of a project's many unique aspects. The word “Standard” in the title of this document means only that the document has been approved through the ASTM consensus process. 1.9 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.10 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 4.1 The ESC Process— This practice describes a process for characterizing hazardous waste contaminated sites 8 , that provides cost-effective, timely, high-quality information derived primarily from judgement-based sampling and measurements by an integrated, multidisciplinary project team during a limited number of field mobilizations. (See Appendix X1 for additional background on the ESC process, its distinction from traditional site characterization, and its relationship to other approaches to site characterization and Appendix X5 and X6 for illustrative examples of the ESC process.) 4.2 Determining Appropriateness of ESC— The ESC process should be initiated when an ESC client, regulatory authority, and stakeholders determine that contaminants at a site present a potential threat to human health or the environment and the ESC process will identify vadose zone, groundwater, and other contaminant migration pathways in a timely and cost-effective manner, especially when decisions concerning remedial or other action must be made as rapidly as possible. Situations where the process may be applicable are as follows: 4.2.1 ESA— Sites where environmental site assessments (ESAs) conducted by using Practice E1527 , Practice E1528 , and Guide E1903 identify levels of contamination requiring further, more intensive characterization of the geologic and hydrologic system of contaminant migration pathways. Section X1.5.3 discusses the relationship between ESAs and the ESC process. 4.2.2 Petroleum Release Sites— Large petroleum release sites, such as refineries. The user should review both this practice and Guide E1912 to evaluate whether the ESC or ASC process is more appropriate for such sites. 4.2.3 Subsurface Radioactivity— Sites or facilities with subsurface contamination by radioactivity. 4.2.4 Other Subsurface Contamination— Other sites or facilities where contaminant migration in the vadose zone and groundwater is a matter of concern and heterogeneity of the vadose zone and groundwater system or potential complex behavior of contaminants requires use of the ESC process. 4.3 Defining Objectives and Data Quality Requirements— The ESC process requires project objectives and data quality requirements that will provide the ESC client, regulatory authority, and stakeholders with the necessary information to analyze risk or apply regulatory standards-based cleanup in order to choose a course of action. Once these have been defined, the ESC process relies on the expert judgement of the core technical team, operating within the framework of an approved dynamic work plan, as the primary means for selecting the type and location of measurements and samples throughout the ESC process. An ESC project focuses on collecting only the information required to meet the project objectives and ceases characterization as soon as the objectives are met. Note 4: This practice uses the term “data quality requirements” to refer to the level of data accuracy and precision needed to meet the intended use for the data. The U.S. EPA Data Quality Objectives (DQO) process is one way to accomplish this. The ESC process applies the concept of quality control and data quality requirements to geologic and hydrologic data as well as chemical data, but within a general framework of judgement-based rather than statistical sampling methods. Section X1.4.4 discusses the DQO process in more detail along with the role of judgement-based and statistically based sampling methods in the ESC process. Practice D5792 provides guidance on development of DQOs for generation of environmental data related to waste management. 4.4 Use of ESC Process for Risk Analysis and Remedial Action: 4.4.1 Characterizing Contaminant Migration Pathways— Normally an ESC project will characterize the contaminant migration pathways (and sources if not already known) before any detailed risk analysis involving exposure to environmental receptors is performed, because environmental receptors are not known until the migration pathways are known. Risk analysis expertise will normally be required as an input into defining project objectives and data quality requirements (see 4.3 ); such expertise is involved as appropriate during field data collection phases of an ESC project. Identification of contaminant sources and environmental receptors for risk analysis is straightforward at most sites and does not, per se, require the ESC process. The ESC process focuses on characterizing vadose zone and groundwater contaminant migration pathways and determining the distribution, concentration, and fate of contaminants along these migration pathways, because these factors are more difficult to identify than sources and environmental receptors. 4.4.2 Considering Remedial Action and Alternatives— The ESC process is designed to avoid a presumption that remedial action is required (that is, an engineered solution rather than no further action or ongoing monitoring). In any ESC project, remediation engineering expertise is incorporated into the process at the earliest point at which a need for remedial action is identified. (See 13.3 .) Guide D5745 provides guidance for developing and implementing short-term measures or early actions for site remediation. 4.5 Flexibility Within ESC— Modification of procedures described in this practice may be appropriate if required to satisfy project objectives or regulatory requirements, or for other reasons. The ESC process is flexible enough to accommodate a variety of different technical approaches to obtaining environmental data. However, for an investigation to qualify as an ESC project, as formalized by ASTM, modifications should not eliminate any of the essential features of the ESC process listed in Table 1 . Alternative site characterization approaches that use some, but not all, of the essential elements described in Table 1 may be appropriate for a site, but these approaches would not qualify as an ESC project as defined in this practice. Note 5: Users may prefer to use or develop alternative terminology for different aspects of the ESC process, depending on the regulatory context in which it is applied. However, precise or approximate equivalencies to steps or functions in the ESC process should be clearly identified. 4.6 Use of ESC in Conjunction with Other Methods— This practice can be used in conjunction with Guide D5730 for identification of potentially applicable ASTM standards and major non-ASTM guidance. In karst and fractured rock hydrogeologic settings, this practice can be used in conjunction with Guide D5717 .
归口单位: D18.01