ETSI TS 186 008-2 describes the performance benchmark methology for the IMS based services MMTel, Video
Telephony and IMS/ PES. The terminology and concepts are described in TR 101 577 [i.11]. The present document is
the second part of the multi-part deliverable which consists of four parts.TS 186 008-1 [i.1] defines the overall benchmark descriptions, architectures, processes, and information models that are
common to all specific benchmarking scenarios.The present document contains the specific benchmarking use-cases and scenarios, along with scenario specific
metrics and design objectives. It also defines the SUT configuration parameters. The present document also contains
any required extensions to the overall descriptions present in the present document, if necessary for the specific
scenario.TS 186 008-3 [i.2] defines an initial benchmark test through the specification of a traffic set, traffic-time profile and
benchmark test procedure.TS 186 008-4 [i.3] defines Reference Load network quality parameters for the use cases defined in TS 186 008-2 [i.1].