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现行 ASTM F1417-11a(2024)
Standard Practice for Installation Acceptance of Plastic Non-pressure Sewer Lines Using Low-Pressure Air 使用低压空气的塑料无压污水管道安装验收的标准实施规程
发布日期: 2024-12-01
1.1 本实施规程提供了测试无压力塑料管污水管线的程序,使用低压空气来证明已安装材料和施工程序的完整性。包括两个程序来寻找空气泄漏率——恒压法和时间压降法。 1.2 在所有连接和维修支管都被充分堵塞和支撑以承受试验压力后,在管线上执行此操作。回填作业完成与低压空气测试之间的时间可由批准机构规定。 1.3 这种做法用作初步测试,使安装人员能够在最终回填、铺路和其他施工活动之前显示埋地线路的状况。 1.4 本惯例适用于所有非术语中定义的由热塑性管、增强热固性树脂(RTRP)管和增强塑料砂浆(RPM)管制成的压力污水管道 D883 , D1600 ,和 F412 . 1.5 以英寸-磅单位表示的值应被视为标准值。括号中给出的值是对SI单位的数学转换,仅供参考,不被视为标准。 1.6 本标准并不旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全性问题(如果有)。本标准的使用者有责任在使用前建立适当的安全、健康和环境实践并确定法规限制的适用性。 有关具体的预防声明,请参见第节 5 . 1.7 本国际标准是根据关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定中确定的国际公认的标准化原则制定的由世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)委员会发布。 ======意义和用途====== 4.1 这种低压空气测试实践通过测量压力下的空气从下水道的隔离部分逸出的速率来检测损坏的管道或不正确的连接。 4.2 空气损失率表明是否存在损坏的管道或泄漏的接头。本规范不旨在显示系统总漏水极限,也不应用于渗透或渗漏使用条件下漏水的定量测量。 附注1: 本规范中规定的可接受空气损失的发现可解释为代替渗透或渗出测试的安装验收测试。 4.3 这种做法为正确安装的污水管道的初始状况和工艺质量提供了保证。
1.1 This practice provides procedures for testing non-pressure plastic pipe sewer lines, using low-pressure air to prove the integrity of the installed material and the construction procedures. Two procedures are included to find the rate of air leakage—the constant-pressure method and the time-pressure drop method. 1.2 This practice is performed on lines after all connections and service laterals have been plugged and braced adequately to withstand the test pressure. The time between completion of the backfill operation and low-pressure air testing may be specified by the approving authority. 1.3 This practice is used as a preliminary test, which enables the installer to show the condition of a buried line prior to final backfill, paving, and other construction activities. 1.4 This practice is applicable to all non-pressure sewer lines made of thermoplastic pipe, reinforced thermosetting resin (RTRP) pipe, and reinforced plastic mortar (RPM) pipe, defined in Terminology D883 , D1600 , and F412 . 1.5 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical conversions to SI units that are provided for information only and are not considered standard. 1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific precautionary statements, see Section 5 . 1.7 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 4.1 This low-pressure air testing practice detects damaged piping or improper jointing by measuring the rate at which air under pressure escapes from an isolated section of sewer. 4.2 The rate of air loss indicates the presence or absence of damaged piping or leaking joints. This practice is not intended to show total system water leakage limits and shall not be used as a quantitative measure of leakage under service conditions for infiltration or exfiltration. Note 1: A finding of acceptable air loss specified in this practice can be interpreted as an installation acceptance test in lieu of infiltration or exfiltration testing. 4.3 This practice provides assurance of initial condition and quality of workmanship of properly-installed sewer pipe.
归口单位: F17.62