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现行 RP-699
Development of Algorithms to Predict the Performance of Ice on Pipe Brine Storage Systems 冰上管道盐水储存系统性能预测算法的开发
本报告描述了ASHRAE RP-699的工作。该项目的动机是需要一种精确的设计工具来预测冰管盐水蓄热系统的动态性能。为了实现这一主要目标,开展了以下工作:建立了冰槽的热模型,其中包括潜在能量和显能效应。该模型允许在一系列充放电期间形成和破坏多层冰和液体。建立了模型方程的数值解,并在计算算法中实现,以预测冰柜组件的性能。根据Calmac和BAC冰箱的ORNL数据,对冰蓄冷算法产生的理论性能预测进行了测试和验证。预测和测量的盐水出口温度与充放电率之间的一致性良好。 为作为组件模型实现的蓄热组件开发了一套Fortran 77计算机源代码,以及在完整系统模拟中驱动冰箱、冷却器和负载组件模型的程序。还包括模型和示例应用程序的验证运行。编制了一份用户指南,以记录冰蓄冷软件。
This report describes the work performed for ASHRAE RP-699. The project was motivated by the need for an accurate design tool to predict the dynamic performance of ice-onpipe brine thermal storage systems. In order to accomplish this major objective, the following work was performed:• A thermal model of the ice tank was developed which included both latent and sensible energy effects. The model allowed for the creation and destruction of multiple layers of ice and liquid which could form during a sequence of charge and discharge periods.• A numerical solution to the model equations was developed and implemented in a computational algorithm to predict the performance of the ice tank component.• The theoretical performance predictions generated from the ice thermal storage algorithm were tested and validated against ORNL data for Calmac and BAC ice tanks. The agreement between predicted and measured brine exit temperature and charge or discharge rate was good.• A set of Fortran 77 computer source codes was developed for the thermal storage component implemented as a component model as well as a program to drive the ice tank, chiller and load component models in a complete system simulation. Validation runs from the model and example applications were also included.• A users guide was developed to document the ice thermal storage software.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类