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现行 ASCE 15-17
Standard Practice for Direct Design of Buried Precast Concrete Pipe Using Standard Installations (SIDD) 使用标准装置(SIDD)直接设计埋地预制混凝土管的标准实施规程
发布日期: 2017-06-08
由美国土木工程学会建筑研究所直接设计埋地混凝土管箱节标准委员会编制的ASCE/CI 15-17标准侧重于使用标准装置(称为SIDD)直接设计埋地预制混凝土管。直接设计方法改进了间接设计,因为直接设计考虑了安装管道周围的土壤压力分布,并提供了确定标准安装的压力分布系数的程序。使用标准装置直接设计埋地预制混凝土管的标准实施规程审查土壤的设计和施工?用于输送污水、工业废物、雨水和排水的管道相互作用系统。在确定荷载、压力分布、力矩、推力和剪力时,SIDD方法考虑了管道和土壤外壳之间的相互作用。 提出了开挖、安全、基础、垫层、护套拆除和沟槽盾构推进的施工要求。包括四种标准路堤安装和四种标准沟槽安装。本标准是ASCE 15-98的修订版,包括与最新ASTM国际和美国混凝土管协会(ACPA)沟槽和路堤条件文件以及当前土壤分类相关的更新。增加了无钢筋混凝土管道的设计公式。标准ASCE/CI 15-17可作为基于SIDD方法编制项目规范的参考,极限状态设计程序与AASHTO公路桥梁标准规范中概述的程序一致。本标准适用于土木工程设计专业人员、顾问、业主和交通官员。
Prepared by the Direct Design of Buried Concrete Pipe Box Sections Standards Committee of the Construction Institute of the American Society of Civil EngineersStandard ASCE/CI 15-17 focuses on the direct design of buried precast concrete pipe using standard installations, known as SIDD. The direct design method improves on indirect design, because direct design accounts for the soil pressure distribution around an installed pipe and provides a procedure for determining the pressure distribution coefficients for the standard installations.Standard Practice for Direct Design of Buried Precast Concrete Pipe Using Standard Installations reviews the design and construction of the soil?pipe interaction system used for the conveyance of sewage, industrial wastes, stormwater, and drainage. The SIDD method accounts for the interaction between pipe and soil envelope in determining loads, pressure distributions, moment, thrust, and shear. Construction requirements for excavation, safety, foundations, bedding, sheathing removal, and trench shield advancement are presented. Four types of standard embankment installations and four types of standard trench installations are covered. This Standard, a revision of ASCE 15-98, includes updates to correlate with the latest ASTM International and American Concrete Pipe Association (ACPA) documents for trench and embankment conditions, as well as current soil classifications. Design equations for nonreinforced concrete pipe have been added.Standard ASCE/CI 15-17 may be used as a reference in preparing project specifications based on the SIDD method, and the limits state design procedure is consistent with the procedures outlined in the AASHTOStandard Specifications for Highway Bridges. This Standard is useful to civil engineering design professionals, consultants, owners, and transportation officials.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国土木工程师协会