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现行 LA-2304
Refrigeration Compressor Performance as Affected by Suction Vapor Superheating 吸入蒸汽过热对制冷压缩机性能的影响
在本研究开始时,我们实验室存在大量二次制冷剂热量计数据,这些数据来自在ARI试验条件下测试各种压缩机和制冷剂组合(5)。如图I和图2中的实线所示,绘制了在不同蒸发温度下、蒸发器出口温度恒定的试验结果,以及蒸发器温度变化但过热保持在恒定25F的试验结果。仅使用制冷剂热力学性质,计算出的容量随过热度的增加而增加,以恒定过热度容量的百分比表示,如虚线所示。很明显,过热度对压缩机性能的影响比计算结果大得多。对这种异常行为的各种原因的分析,包括文献综述,导致决定研究三种可能的原因。低过热水平下的湿吸入蒸汽; 来自压缩机气缸内油中溶液的制冷剂;内部吸入蒸汽加热。引文:加利福尼亚州洛杉矶ASHRAE Transactions第80卷第1部分
At the beginning of this study there existed at our laboratory a large mass of secondary refrigerant calorimeter data from testing various compressor and refrigerant combinations under ARI test conditions (5). Results from tests which had been run at various evaporating temperatures with a constant temperatare at the evaporator outlet and from tests where the evaporator temperature varied but tbe superheat was held at a constant 25F were plotted as shown by the solid lines in Fig. I and 2. Calculated capacity increases with superheat as a percent of constant superheat capacities using refrigerant thermodynamic properties only are shown as dotted lines. It is immediately apparent that superheat has a much greater effect on compressor performance than indicated by calculation.Coneideratlon of the various causes for this anomalous behavior, including the literature review, led to a decision to study three possible causes.Wet suction vapor at low superheat levels;Refrigerant coming from solution in the oil in the compressor cylinders;Internal suction vapor heating.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类