Hydraulic fluid power — Marking of performance characteristics on hydraulic filters
ISO 27407:2010规定了一种标记过滤器的方法,以向用户传达感兴趣的过滤器性能特征。该标记可与ISO 27407:2010中引用的标准或与任何引用标准协调的任何标准一起使用。ISO 27407:2010仅适用于过滤器上的信息标记;客户可以要求在产品图纸上或作为产品包装的一部分指定相同的信息。
ISO 27407:2010 specifies a means of marking filters to communicate filter performance characteristics of interest to users. This marking can be used with either the standards referenced in ISO 27407:2010 or with any standard that has been harmonized with any referenced standard. ISO 27407:2010 applies to the marking of information only on the filter; the customer can request that the same information be specified on the product drawing or as part of the product packaging.