81/738/EEC: Commission Decision of 31 July 1981 on a proposal by the Netherlands Government to grant aid for the creation of new production capacity by an undertaking in the petro-chemical industry (aromatic solvents) (Only the Dutch text is authentic)
81/738/EEC:1981年7月31日委员会就荷兰政府的一项提议作出的决定 该提议由一家石油化工企业(芳香族溶剂)提供援助 以建立新的生产能力(只有荷兰文本是真实的)
81/738/EEC: Commission Decision of 31 July 1981 on a proposal by the Netherlands Government to grant aid for the creation of new production capacity by an undertaking in the petro-chemical industry (aromatic solvents) (Only the Dutch text is authentic)