Computer Simulation and Operating Policies to Improve Resource Management within Susquehanna River Basin's Conowingo Pool
In view of its broad multistate administrative authority and prerogatives, the Susquehanna
River Basin Commission (SRBC) convened various stakeholders from Pennsylvania and
Maryland for the purpose of forming a workgroup, in order to discuss and address the
interests of those concerned about the resources of the impoundment of the Susquehanna
River at the Conowingo Dam. That impoundment, also referred to as the Conowingo
Pool, is now a resource subject to various divergent interests. The region served by the
pool continues to experience development, and there are continually increasing demands
upon the pool resources. As manifested during the drought of 1999-2002, conflicts have
arisen, and will continue to arise. Hence, the SRBC has convened the Conowingo Pool
Workgroup, as a framework for dialog and policy.
The workgroup has used hydrologic simulation and computer-aided negotiations to help
resolve disputes and issues associated with Conowingo Pool operating policies in order to
solve complex water resource problems. This paper reports on the progress of the
workgroup, and on the success of the modeling efforts.