Plastics. Methods for the preparation of samples for biodegradation testing of plastic materials
塑料 塑料材料生物降解试验样品制备方法
BS EN ISO 10210:2017描述了试验中使用的试样制备方法
在确定产品的最终生物降解性期间。这些方法适用于以下材料:天然和/或合成聚合物、共聚物或其混合物;含有增塑剂或着色剂等添加剂的塑料材料;含有有机或无机填料的塑料复合材料;由上述材料制成的产品。交叉引用:ISO 15985ISO 14853ISO 14855-
2ISO 14855-1ISO 14852ISO 3310-1ISO 472ISO 14851ISO 17088购买本文件时可获得的所有现行修订均包含在购买本文件中。
BS EN ISO 10210:2017 describes methods for the preparation of test samples used in the
determination of the ultimate aerobic and anaerobic biodegradability of plastic materials in an aqueous
medium, soil, controlled compost or anaerobic digesting sludge. The methods described are designed to
provide dimensional consistency of test samples, resulting in improved reproducibility of test results
during the determination of the ultimate biodegradability of the product.These methods apply to the following materials:natural and/or synthetic polymers, copolymers or mixtures of these;plastic materials that contain additives, such as plasticizers or colorants;plastic composite materials that contain organic or inorganic fillers;products made from the above materials.Cross References:ISO 15985ISO 14853ISO 14855-2ISO 14855-1ISO 14852ISO 3310-1ISO 472ISO 14851ISO 17088All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.