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现行 LB-07-023
Economic Evaluation of Benefits Associated with Automated Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Rooftop Air Conditioners 屋顶空调自动故障检测与诊断效益的经济评估
与关键系统相比,HVAC&R系统故障的主要后果之一是经济性,而不是安全性。因此,应用于暖通空调系统的故障检测与诊断(FDD)系统应基于经济考虑进行评估。然而,现有的暖通空调应用FDD研究主要集中在技术开发和验证上。本文讨论了FDD应用于屋顶空调机组(RTU)的经济性。定性和定量研究了与RTU FDD应用相关的两个主要节约方面:服务和运营成本节约。自动化FDD通过减少预防性维护检查、故障预防、降低FDD成本、更好地安排多个维修活动,以及将维修转移到淡季,降低了维修成本。 运营成本节约包括公用设施成本和设备寿命节约。基于这两大节约,本文提出了一种评估RTU自动FDD应用成本节约的方法。将该方法应用于加利福尼亚州的多个站点,结果表明,每年可节省30美元/千瓦,约为原始服务成本的70%,根据位置和应用,每年可节省的运营成本从5美元到51美元/千瓦不等。节省的成本是巨大的,而Li和Braun(2007a,2007b)提出的FDD技术依靠低成本传感器的回收期不到一年。单位:双引文:ASHRAE交易,第113卷,第。2.
In contrast to critical systems, one of the primary consequences of faults in HVAC&R systems is economic rather than safety related. Therefore, fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) systems applied to HVAC systems should be assessed based on economic considerations. However, existing FDD research in HVAC applications has mainly focused on technique development and validation. This paper addresses the economics of FDD application to rooftop air-conditioning units (RTUs). Two major aspects of savings associated with FDD application to RTUs are investigated qualitatively and quantitatively: service and operating cost savings. Automated FDD reduces service costs due to reduced preventive maintenance inspections, fault prevention, lower-cost FDD, better scheduling of multiple service activities, and shifting service to low season. Operating cost savings consist of utility cost and equipment life savings. Based on these two major savings, a methodology is presented for evaluating the cost savings for application of automated FDD to RTU. Application of this methodology to a number of sites in California showed that $30/kW·year, around 70% of the original service costs, can be saved, and the operating cost savings range from $5 to $51/kW·year depending on the location and application. The savings are significant, and the payback period for an FDD technique presented by Li and Braun (2007a, 2007b) that relies on low-cost sensors is less than one year.Units: Dual
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