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现行 IEC 62046:2018
Safety of machinery - Application of protective equipment to detect the presence of persons 机械安全.检测人员存在的防护设备的应用
发布日期: 2018-03-28
IEC 62046:2018规定了防护设备的选择、定位、配置和调试要求,以检测人员的瞬时或持续存在,从而保护这些人员免受工业应用中机械危险部件的伤害。本标准涵盖IEC 61496(所有部件)中规定的电敏防护设备(ESPE)和ISO 13856-1中规定的压敏垫和地板的应用。 它考虑了机械、防护设备、环境和14岁及以上人群的人际互动的特点。 本文件包括信息性附件,为应用防护设备检测人员的存在提供指导。这些附件包含示例来说明本标准的原则。这些示例并不旨在成为给定应用的唯一解决方案,也不旨在限制技术的创新或进步。这些示例仅作为代表性解决方案提供,以说明保护设备集成的一些概念,并且为了清楚起见已经被简化,因此它们可能是不完整的。 第一版取消并取代了2008年发布的IEC TS 62046。本版构成技术修订版。 本版本包括以下与IEC TS 62046:2008相关的重大技术变更: a)与静音和视觉系统有关的附加附件, b)静音要求已更新, c)冲裁要求已更新, d)添加IEC 61496系列类型并根据IEC 62061限制安全完整性级别和根据ISO 13849-1限制性能级别, e)与IEC 61496系列变更保持一致
IEC 62046:2018 specifies requirements for the selection, positioning, configuration and commissioning of protective equipment to detect the momentary or continued presence of persons in order to protect those persons from dangerous part(s) of machinery in industrial applications. This standard covers the application of electro-sensitive protective equipment (ESPE) specified in IEC 61496 (all parts) and pressure sensitive mats and floors specified in ISO 13856-1.
It takes into account the characteristics of the machinery, the protective equipment, the environment and human interaction by persons of 14 years and older.
This document includes informative annexes to provide guidance on the application of protective equipment to detect the presence of persons. These annexes contain examples to illustrate the principles of this standard. These examples are not intended to be the only solutions to a given application and are not intended to restrict innovation or advancement of technology. The examples are provided only as representative solutions to illustrate some of the concepts of integration of protective equipment, and have been simplified for clarity, so they may be incomplete.
This first edition cancels and replaces IEC TS 62046, published in 2008. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to IEC TS 62046:2008:
a) additional annexes relating to muting and vision systems,
b) muting requirements have been updated,
c) blanking requirements have been updated,
d) addition of IEC 61496 series Types and capping the Safety Integrity level according to IEC 62061 and performance levels according to ISO 13849-1,
e) alignment to changes in IEC 61496 series
归口单位: TC 44