Space data and information transfer systems - Delta-differential one-way ranging (Delta-DOR) operations
空间数据和信息传输系统 - 差分单向测距(Delta-DOR)操作
Delta差分单向测距(Delta DOR)操作适用于执行深空任务的空间机构,这些任务需要精确确定航天器在天空平面上的位置。对于这些要求不能满足参与机构需求的运营,德尔塔DOR运营可能不合适。
ISO 17809:2014阐述了德尔塔DOR运营流程设计应满足的基本原理、要求和标准。
Delta Differential One-Way Ranging (Delta-DOR) operations are applicable to space agencies that operate deep space missions that require accurate determination of the spacecraft position in the plane of the sky. For operations where these requirements do not capture the needs of the participating agencies, Delta-DOR operations may not be appropriate.
ISO 17809:2014 addresses rationale, requirements and criteria that Delta-DOR operations processes should be designed to meet.