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现行 LB-07-041
Simulation of the Impact of Commercial Building Envelope Airtightness on Building Energy Utilization 商业建筑围护结构气密性对建筑能源利用影响的模拟
本文对改善美国低层商业建筑围护结构气密性的能源影响和成本效益进行了模拟研究。尽管有共同的假设,但测量结果表明,典型的美国商业建筑并不特别密闭。过去的模拟研究表明,商业建筑围护结构泄漏会导致显著的热负荷和冷负荷。为了评估空气屏障的潜在节能和成本效益,对美国五个城市的两栋非住宅建筑(一栋两层办公楼和一栋一层零售楼)进行了年度能源模拟和成本估算。使用耦合多区域气流和建筑能耗模拟工具,根据现有建筑的测量结果,预测目标气密性水平相对于基线水平下的建筑能耗。 预计供暖和制冷的潜在年能源使用量和成本节约率在9%到36%之间,在以制冷为主的凤凰城和迈阿密气候中,节约率最低。单位:双引文:ASHRAE交易,第113卷,第。2.
This paper presents a simulation study of the energy impact and cost-effectiveness of improving envelope airtightness in low-rise US commercial buildings. Despite common assumptions, measurements have shown that typical US commercial buildings are not particularly airtight. Past simulation studies have shown that commercial building envelope leakage can result in significant heating and cooling loads. To evaluate the potential energy savings and cost-effectiveness of an air barrier, annual energy simulations and cost estimates were prepared for two nonresidential buildings (a two-story office building and, a one-story retail building) in five US cities. A coupled multizone airflow and building energy simulation tool was used to predict the energy use for the buildings at a target tightness level relative to a baseline level based on measurements in existing buildings. Predicted potential heating and cooling annual energy usage and cost savings ranged from 9% to 36% with the smallest savings occurring in the cooling-dominated climates of Phoenix and Miami.Units: Dual
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类