Resilient and textile floor-coverings. Determination of side length, edge straightness and squareness of tiles
弹性地板和织物地板覆盖物 瓷砖边长、边缘直线度和垂直度的测定
BS EN ISO 24342:2018描述了测定弹性或纺织地板砖和木板边长、边缘直线度和垂直度的方法。弹性地板砖或织物地板砖和木板的边长、平直度和方正度是重要的考虑因素,因为如果不遵守这些性能标准,安装的地板会有令人不快的外观。这可能会导致安装的瓷砖/木板排列不均匀,产生难看的接缝和不匹配的拐角。交叉引用:JIS A 1454ASTM F2055购买本文件时可获得的所有现行修改件均包含在购买本文件中。
BS EN ISO 24342:2018 describes methods for determining side lengths, straightness of edges and squareness of resilient or textile floor tiles and planks. The side lengths, straightness and squareness of resilient or textile floor tiles and planks are important considerations because installed flooring will have an objectionable appearance if these performance criteria are not followed. This can cause the installed tiles/planks to line up unevenly, producing unsightly seams and corners that do not match.Cross References:JIS A 1454ASTM F2055All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.