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现行 AWWA JAW55399
Journal AWWA - Controlling Cryptosporidium Oocysts Using Conventional Treatment AWWA杂志-使用常规治疗控制隐孢子虫卵囊
发布日期: 2001-12-01
隐孢子虫卵囊失活是水处理设施面临的一个重大挑战,许多水处理设施为此目的使用常规处理。然而,关于隐孢子虫在各种水质和处理条件下的去除效率和潜在替代参数的信息并不容易获得。因此,水处理设施必须通过反复试验,以达到去除隐孢子虫的最佳处理工艺组合。在这项研究中,进行了14项中试规模试验,以评估常规治疗控制隐孢子虫的能力,以及三种替代物:浊度、总颗粒数和需氧内孢子。评估了混凝剂类型、混凝剂剂量、原水质量、过滤器负荷率和过滤介质的影响。然后将隐孢子虫去除率与三种替代物的去除率进行比较。 作者发现,当混凝得到适当控制时,隐孢子虫的总去除率提高了几个数量级,隐孢子虫的总去除率大于浊度、颗粒或孢子的总去除率。作者承认,在一般的中试规模试验中,使用比在全规模常规处理厂中发现的隐孢子虫浓度更高的隐孢子虫清除率。然而,研究的结论表明,水处理设施可能要考虑试验不同的混凝剂和混凝剂剂量,以优化凝血,并在该过程中提高隐孢子虫去除。最后,由于中试和全面清除的差异可能会对监管和操作产生严重影响,杜根和同事们希望,他们文章中的信息将推动更严格的凝血控制,采用廉价简单的孢子计数测试,或获取在线浊度计和颗粒计数器。 包括22个参考文献、表格和图表。
Inactivation of Cryptosporidium oocysts is a major challenge for water treatment facilities, many of which use conventional treatment for this purpose. Information on the removal efficiency of Cryptosporidium and potential surrogate parameters over a broad range of water quality and treatment conditions, however, is not readily available. Thus, water treatment facilities must resort to trial and error to arrive at the best combination of treatment processes to remove Cryptosporidium. In this study, 14 pilot-scale tests were performed to assess the ability of conventional treatment to control Cryptosporidium and three surrogates: turbidity, total particle counts, and aerobic endospores. The effects of coagulant type, coagulant dose, raw water quality, filter loading rates, and filter media were evaluated. Cryptosporidium removals were then compared with the removals of the three surrogates. The authors found that when coagulation is properly controlled, total Cryptosporidium removal improves by orders of magnitude, and total Cryptosporidium removal is greater than the total removal of turbidity, particles, or spores. The authors acknowledge that in general pilot-scale tests using higher Cryptosporidium concentrations than those found in full-scale conventional treatment plants also show higher Cryptosporidium removals. The study's conclusions, however, indicate that water treatment facilities may want to consider experimenting with different coagulants and coagulant doses to optimize coagulation and in the process improve Cryptosporidium removal. Finally, because the differences in pilot- versus full-scale removals may have serious regulatory and operational implications, Dugan and colleagues hope that the information in their article will provide the impetus for more rigorous coagulation control, the adoption of an inexpensive and simple test for spore enumeration, or the acquisition of online turbidimeters and particle counters. Includes 22 references, tables, figures.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会