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现行 ISO 15003:2019
Agricultural engineering — Electrical and electronic equipment — Testing resistance to environmental conditions 农业工程 - 电气电子设备 - 耐环境条件测试
发布日期: 2019-11-04
本文件为用于各种移动式(包括手持式)农业机械、林业机械、园林绿化和园艺机械[以下简称机器]的电气和电子设备制造商提供了设计要求和指南。机械一词包括拖拉机和机具。本文件给出了特定环境条件的测试,并定义了与设备实际运行中可能遇到的环境极端情况相关的测试的严重程度。 本文件旨在确定这些机器设备在特定环境条件下的适用性。 注:给出的严重程度为一般指南,不保证最坏情况下的暴露水平。
This document provides design requirements and guidance for the manufacturers of electrical and electronic equipment for use in all kinds of mobile (including hand-held) agricultural machinery, forestry machinery, landscaping and gardening machinery [referred to hereafter as machine(s)]. The term machinery covers tractors and implements. This document gives tests for specific environmental conditions and defines severity levels for tests which relate to the environmental extremes that can be experienced in practical operation of the equipment. This document is intended to be used in determining the suitability of the equipment of these machines, for use in a specified range of environmental conditions. NOTE The severity levels given are general guidelines and not guaranteed worst-case exposure levels.
归口单位: ISO/TC 23/SC 19