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现行 OR-16-C026
Fouling of Membrane-Based Energy Recovery Ventilators by Aerosols 气溶胶对膜式能量回收通风机的污染
基于膜的能量回收通风机(ERV)是降低能源成本的有效手段,并允许缩小HVAC设备的规模。由于其紧凑的几何形状和多孔膜基底的粗糙表面,ERV交换器芯可能被空气中的颗粒物污染。在本研究中,通过加速材料和堆芯级污染实验,研究了颗粒污染对基于膜的ERV的影响。在气溶胶风洞(AWT)内进行的堆芯级实验,通过比较不同的堆芯温度,研究了灰尘积聚对横流堆芯性能的影响(包括显效率和潜在效率,以及压降)- 以及两个岩心样品的污染后性能测试。AWT试验期间,考虑了暴露在含颗粒空气中的膜表面和芯面速度的影响。我们发现,对于0.3-10μm的固体颗粒,在高空气速度(1 m/s(197 fpm))下,膜表面的沉积分数从~0.05到低空气速度(0.5 m/s(98 fpm))下的高达0.2。然而,使用粗干试验粉尘(ISO A3介质)进行的加速污垢试验并未显示出堆芯的敏感和潜在有效性有任何显著退化。然而,在缺乏适当过滤的情况下,由于系统中增加的压降,这种污垢可能会导致能量损失。 此外,还对AWT试验的结果进行了质量传输分析。在材料级实验中,考察了纳米颗粒污染对膜材料性能(包括水蒸气传输、气体交叉和加压空气泄漏)的影响。初步结果表明,未涂覆的石墨对多孔膜表面的吸湿性影响最小,而未涂覆的石墨对多孔膜表面的吸湿性影响最小,达到15%。 引用:2016年冬季会议,佛罗里达州奥兰多,会议论文
Membrane-based Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERV) are an effective means of reducing energy cost and allow for scaling down HVAC equipment. Owing to their compact geometry and rough surfaces of the porous membrane substrate, ERV exchanger cores can be fouled by airborne particulate matter. In this study, the influence of particulate fouling on the membrane-based ERVs was investigated via accelerated material- and core-level fouling experiments. The core-level experiments, inside an Aerosol Wind Tunnel (AWT), investigated the effect of dust accumulation on the performance of cross-flow cores (including sensible and latent effectiveness, and pressure drop) through comparing pre- and post-fouling performance tests of two core samples. The influence of the membrane surface exposed to particle-laden air, and core face velocity were considered during AWT tests. We have found that for solid particles of 0.3-10 um, deposition fractions to membrane surfaces range from ~0.05 at high air velocities (1 m/s (197 fpm)) to as high as 0.2 at lower air velocities (0.5 m/s (98 fpm)). Nevertheless, accelerated fouling tests using coarse, dry test dust (ISO A3 medium), did not show any significant degradation to the sensible and latent effectiveness of the cores. In the lack of proper filtration, however, this fouling may result in an energy penalty because of the added pressure drop in the system. Additionally, a mass transport analysis is presented to explain the results of AWT tests. In the material-level experiments, the effects of fouling with nano particles on the membrane material performance (including water vapor transport, gas cross-over, and pressurized air leakage) were examined. Preliminary results show that deposition of non-hygroscopic graphite particles has minimal influence on the membrane, whilst deposition of soluble NaCl particles on the uncoated porous surface of the membrane may result in partial pore blockage, consequently reducing the water vapor permeation through the membrane up to 15% of the initial value.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类