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现行 PH-2514
A Method for Predicting Air Infiltration Rates for a Tall Building Surrounded by Lower Structures of Uniform Height 高层建筑周围均匀高度低层结构的空气渗透率预测方法
随着能源成本的快速上升和节能需求的不断增长,越来越多的建筑正在使用复杂的计算机程序进行能效分析。这些计划中固有的一个问题是缺乏一种准确但简单的方法来预测空气渗透率,而空气渗透率是能源消耗的重要组成部分。为了发展这种方法,利用边界层风洞中获得的表面风压数据,对高层建筑的漏风特性进行了计算机研究。 Shaw andTamura(1)报道了郊区一座完全暴露在外的高层建筑的结果。本文介绍了由高度均匀的下部结构包围的高层建筑表面压力分布的新数据。建筑和周围结构之间的距离相当于街道和人行道的距离。预测空气渗透率的方程式已使用与本文中完全暴露的高层建筑(1)基本相同的方法推导出来。 这些方程严格适用于由高度近似相等的下部结构包围的高层建筑。除非两栋建筑相距足够远,否则不能将其推广到部分由另一栋建筑保护的高层建筑。引文:宾夕法尼亚州费城ASHRAE Transactions第85卷第1部分
With the rapidly rising energy costs and a growing need to conserve energy, more and morebuildings are being analyzed for energy effectiveness using sophisticated computer programs.One problem inherent in these programs is the lack of an accurate but simple method forestimating air infiltration rate, which is known to be a significant component of the energyconsumption. To develop such a method, a computer study of air leakage characteristics was madefor tall buildings using surface wind pressure data obtained in a boundary layer wind tunnel.The results for a fully exposed tall building in a suburban area were reported by Shaw andTamura (1). This paper presents new data on pressure distributions over the faces of a tallbuilding surrounded by lower structures of uniform height. The building and the surroundingstructures are separated from each other by a distance equivalent to that of a street andsidewalks.Equations for predicting air infiltration rate have been derived using basically the samemethod as in the paper for fully exposed tall buildings (1). These equations are strictly validonly for a tall building surrounded by lower structures of approximately equal height. They maynot be generalized for a tall building partially protected by another tall building unless thebuildings are sufficiently far apart.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类