Traditional Chinese medicine. General requirements for industrial manufacturing process of red ginseng (<i>Panax</i> <i>ginseng</i> C.A. Meyer)
中医 红参(<i>人参</i><i>人参</i>C.A.Meyer)工业生产工艺的一般要求
BS ISO 19610:2017规定了人参红参工业生产工艺的一般要求。A.Meyer是唯一加工红参的品种。制造商应执行适当的洗涤、蒸煮、干燥和包装过程,以确保消费者的红参产品质量。交叉引用:ISO 14159:2002 Ed 1 ISO 17217-1:2014 ED1ISO 18664:2015KS H 2178:2009《人参产业法》2015GB/T 22538-2008购买本文件时可获得的所有现行修订均包含在购买本文件中。
BS ISO 19610:2017 specifies the general requirements for the industrial manufacturing process of red ginseng fromPanax ginsengC.A. Meyer which is the only species from which red ginseng is processed. It is intended that manufacturers perform the appropriate washing, steaming, drying and packaging processes to assure the quality of red ginseng products for consumers.Cross References:ISO 14159:2002 Ed 1 ISO 17217-1:2014 ED1ISO 18664:2015KS H 2178:2009Ginseng Industry Act 2015GB/T 22538-2008All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.