DID DI-TMSS-82180适用于包括无损检测(NDI)程序技术手册开发要求的任何系统采集,适用于整个系统、飞机结构、导弹和所有主要子系统,包括机身、发动机、发射和回收系统、机械子系统和支持设备。本DID包含招标书中描述的工作任务产生的数据交付物的格式、内容和预期用途信息。
DID DI-TMSS-82180 is applicable to any system acquisition that includes a requirement for development of a Nondestructive Inspection (NDI) Procedures Technical Manual and is applicable to the entire system, for aircraft structures, missiles, and all major subsystems including airframe, engine, launch and recovery systems, mechanical subsystems and support equipment.This DID contains the format, content and intended use information for the data deliverable resulting from the work task described in the solicitation.