BS EN 12859. Gypsum blocks. Definitions, requirements and test methods
英国标准EN 12859 石膏砖 定义、要求和试验方法
交叉引用:EN 13501-1EN 13501-2EN ISO 140-3ISO 140-3:1995/AMD1:2004EN ISO 717-1ISO 717-1:1996/AMD1:2006EN ISO 6946:2007ISO 6946:2007EN ISO 10456:2007ISO 10456:2007EN 12860:2001购买本文件时提供的所有当前修订版均包括在内。
Cross References:EN 13501-1EN 13501-2EN ISO 140-3ISO 140-3:1995/AMD1:2004EN ISO 717-1ISO 717-1:1996/AMD1:2006EN ISO 6946:2007ISO 6946:2007EN ISO 10456:2007ISO 10456:2007EN 12860:2001All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.