Transformers and inductors for use in telecommunication and electronic equipment. Main dimensions of coil formers-Coil formers for laminated cores
电信和电子设备用变压器和电感器 线圈成型机的主要尺寸 叠层铁芯线圈成型机
允许在符合核心尺寸和部件外形尺寸方面的互换性。交叉引用:BS 2011:第2.1部分BS 6334BS 6554:第1部分BS EN 20286-1ISO 3IEC 321IEC 852
Permits interchangeability with respect to conformance with core sizes and outline dimensions of the components.Cross References:BS 2011:Part 2.1TBS 6334BS 6554:Part 1BS EN 20286-1ISO 3IEC 321IEC 852