Stationary training equipment — Part 9: Elliptical trainers, additional specific safety requirements and test methods
固定式培训设备 - 第9部分:椭圆训练机 附加的具体安全要求和测试方法
除了ISO 20957?1的一般安全要求外,ISO 20957-9:2016还规定了椭圆训练器的附加安全要求。
ISO 20957-9:2016规定了具有闭合模式运动和/或往复运动的心血管设备的安全要求,其中用户的脚设计为与脚部平台接触,但不包括从站立或坐姿执行的步进器。
ISO 20957-9:2016 specifies additional safety requirements for elliptical trainers in addition to the general safety requirements of ISO 20957?1.
ISO 20957-9:2016 specifies safety requirements for cardiovascular equipment with a closed pattern motion and/or a reciprocating motion, where the user's feet are designed to be in contact with the footplatform, but not including steppers, performed from either a standing or seated position.