This powerpoint presentation begins by providing the problem statement and research objectives that include: assess utility of fouling indices
determined using bench-scale testing
conditions that are typical of fullscale
operation; and, use this bench-scale approach to
study the role of organic nitrogen in
membrane fouling. The testing protocol is presented, along with some low pressure hollow fiber (LPHF) fouling descriptions, a schematic illustration of LP membrane fouling, membrane performance for
flux and fouling, normalized specific flux, the Total Fouling Index (TFI), Hydraulically Irreversible and
Chemical Fouling Index (HICFI), and Chemically Irreversible Fouling Index
(CIFI). Tests with natural waters are presented and include: Utility A - plant and bench-scale: same membrane
material and operation conditions; membrane feedwater - coagulated; Utility B - raw and coagulated waters; and, Blackstone River water - a wastewater impaired raw water source. Conclusions indicate the following: resistance in series approach can be
used to determine fouling indices for
LPHF treatment of natural waters; most fouling for natural waters is
hydraulically and chemically reversed; and, water sources that cause higher total
fouling also cause higher hydraulic and
chemical fouling, i.e., a short filtration
experiment could be used to predict
membrane fouling. Includes tables, figures.