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现行 ISO 20338:2019
Oxygen reduction systems for fire prevention — Design, installation, planning and maintenance 防火用氧还原系统-设计、安装、规划和维护
发布日期: 2019-09-02
本文件规定了最低要求,并定义了适用于建筑物和工业生产厂防火用含氧气还原空气的固定式氧气还原系统的设计、安装和维护规范。它也适用于现有系统的扩展和修改。 本文件适用于使用富氮空气的氧气还原系统,该系统设计用于密闭空间中的连续氧气还原。 注:如今,氮气是用于氧气还原的最合适气体。对于其他气体,本文件可作为参考。 本文件不适用于: -使用细水雾或燃烧气体的氧气还原系统; -爆炸抑制系统; -防爆系统,如果化学品或材料本身含有氧气供应,如硝酸纤维素; -使用气体灭火剂的灭火系统; -便携式容器的惰性化; -由于防火以外的原因降低氧气水平的系统(例如,在惰性气体存在下进行钢加工,以避免形成氧化膜); -系统或设备维修工作期间所需的惰性化(例如:。 g、 焊接)以消除火灾或爆炸风险。 除了实际氧气还原系统及其单个部件的条件外,本文件还涵盖了保护区的某些结构规范。 由氧气还原系统保护的空间是一个受控且持续监测的室内气候,可供长期占用。本文件不包括可能含有危险气体的不通风密闭空间。
This document specifies minimum requirements and defines the specifications governing the design, installation and maintenance of fixed oxygen reduction systems with oxygen reduced air for fire prevention in buildings and industrial production plants. It also applies to the extension and modification of existing systems. This document applies to oxygen reduction systems using nitrogen-enriched-air which are designed for continual oxygen reduction in enclosed spaces. NOTE Nitrogen is, today, the most suitable gas to be used for oxygen reduction. For other gases, this document can be used as a reference. This document does not apply to: — oxygen reduction systems that use water mist or combustion gases; — explosion suppression systems; — explosion prevention systems, in case of chemicals or materials containing their own supply of oxygen, such as cellulose nitrate; — fire extinguishing systems using gaseous extinguishing agents; — inertization of portable containers; — systems in which oxygen levels are reduced for reasons other than fire prevention (e.g. steel processing in the presence of inert gas to avoid the formation of oxide film); — inerting required during repair work on systems or equipment (e.g. welding) in order to eliminate the risk of fire or explosion. In addition to the conditions for the actual oxygen reduction system and its individual components, this document also covers certain structural specifications for the protected area. The space protected by an oxygen reduction system is a controlled and continuously monitored indoor climate for extended occupation. This document does not cover unventilated confined spaces that can contain hazardous gases.
归口单位: ISO/TC 21/SC 8