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现行 ISO 9142:2003
Adhesives — Guide to the selection of standard laboratory ageing conditions for testing bonded joints 粘合剂——粘结接头试验用标准实验室老化条件的选择指南
发布日期: 2003-12-04
ISO 9142:2003描述了实验室老化条件,在此条件下,为了评估此类影响对某些性能的影响,粘接接头可能会受到各种环境影响(气候或化学影响)。 老化条件适用于粘合组件,并可用于构成一组评估粘合剂的试验。 使用本国际标准中所述程序获得的结果不一定适用于粘结组件使用寿命的测定,因为试验结果与粘结组件在使用条件下一段时间内的行为之间没有直接关系。然而,对于某些特定的应用,使用这些程序的经验可以建立相关性。
ISO 9142:2003 describes laboratory ageing conditions under which adhesive joints may be exposed to various environmental influences -- climatic or chemical -- for the purpose of assessing the effects of such influences on certain properties. The ageing conditions are applicable to bonded assemblies and may be used to constitute a set of tests for the evaluation of an adhesive. The results obtained using the procedures described in this International Standard are not necessarily applicable to the determination of the service life of a bonded assembly because there is no direct relation between the test results and the behaviour of a bonded assembly over a period of time under service conditions. However, for certain specific applications, experience with the procedures may enable a correlation to be established.
归口单位: ISO/TC 61/SC 11