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现行 SA-12-C009
An Experimental and Simulation Study of Lighting Performance in Offices wth Automated Roller Shades 自动卷帘办公室照明性能的实验与模拟研究
本文研究了小型私人办公室和配备自动遮阳帘的大型开放式平面办公室的年度日光性能。根据以下立面设计参数计算年度日光自主性和有效日光照度:卷帘窗可防止阳光直射进入各个方向的空间,以避免眩光。日光性能的总体值是通过平均空间中所有评估点的值或要求所有点同时满足照度要求来获得的。结果表明,对于私人办公室,朝北和朝东的立面由于在工作时间进行遮阳操作,可以提供更高的日光供应。然而,照度在500到500之间- 在几乎所有研究案例中,1000勒克斯(46.5-92.9 fc)——一个重要指标——在30-40%的窗墙比下达到最大值。对于开放式办公室,日光自主性因气候和阴影属性而异。在一个全尺寸的测试办公空间中进行了实验,以验证模拟结果——测量照度和模拟值之间的比较显示出良好的一致性。引用:ASHRAE Trans。,第118卷第。德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥2号
This paper investigates the annual daylight performance of a small private office and in a large open plane office equipped with automated shades. Annual daylight autonomy and useful daylight illuminance are computed as a function of the following facade design parameters: window-roller shades prevents direct sunlight to enter the space independently for each orientation in order to avoid glare. Overall values for daylight performance are obtained by averaging the values of all evaluated points in space or by requiring all points to meet the illuminance requirement at the same time. The results show that for private offices, north and east facing facades allow higher daylight provision due to shading operation during working hours. However, illuminance between 500-1000 lux (46.5-92.9 fc) - an important index - reach a maximum for 30-40% window-to-wall ratio in almost all studied cases. For open-plan offices, daylight autonomy varies with climate and shading properties. Experiments were performed in a full-scale test office space to validate the simulation results - the comparison between measured illuminance and simulated values showed good agreement.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类