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现行 IEEE/ANSI C63.22-2004
American National Standard Guide for Automated Electromagnetic Interference Measurements 美国国家标准《自动电磁干扰测量指南》
发布日期: 2004-12-22
本文件旨在为电子、电气和机电设备电磁辐射测量用自动测试设备(ATE)的使用提供指南。它是ANSI C63的配套文件。2-19961和ANSI C63。4-2003,根据商业电磁干扰(EMI)法规,在9 kHz至1 GHz范围内进行准确且可重复的自动发射测量。因此,它解决了自动测量过程、自动测试设备和测量完整性方面的问题。此外,还将概述测试计划的重要性。尽管旨在进行自动测试,但这些指南也适用于半自动测量,其中只有部分测试可以自动化。
The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines for the use of automatic test equipment (ATE) for the measurement of electromagnetic emissions of electronic, electrical, and electro-mechanical equipment. It is intended to be a companion document to ANSI C63.2-19961 and ANSI C63.4-2003 for making accurate and repeatable automated emissions measurements from 9 kHz to 1 GHz according to commercial Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) regulations. As such, it addresses automated measurement processes, automatic test equipment, and measurement integrity aspects. Furthermore, the importance of a test plan will be outlined. Although intended for automatic testing, these guidelines also apply to semiautomatic measurements where only parts of a test may be automated.