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现行 ISO 22734:2019
Hydrogen generators using water electrolysis — Industrial, commercial, and residential applications 水电解制氢机工业、商业和民用
发布日期: 2019-09-30
本文件定义了模块化或工厂匹配氢气发生装置(以下简称氢气发生器)的结构、安全和性能要求,该装置使用电化学反应电解水以产生氢气。 本文件适用于使用以下类型离子传输介质的氢气发生器: -水基组; -一组水性酸; -添加酸性官能团的固体聚合物材料,如酸性质子交换膜(PEM); -添加基本官能团的固体聚合物材料,如阴离子交换膜(AEM)。 本文件适用于工业和商业用途的氢气发生器,以及遮蔽区域的室内和室外住宅用途,如汽车港口、车库、公用设施室和住宅的类似区域。 也可用于发电的氢气发生器,如可逆燃料电池,不在本文件范围内。 同时作为产品提供氧气的家用氢气发生器不在本文件范围内。
This document defines the construction, safety, and performance requirements of modular or factory-matched hydrogen gas generation appliances, herein referred to as hydrogen generators, using electrochemical reactions to electrolyse water to produce hydrogen. This document is applicable to hydrogen generators that use the following types of ion transport medium: — group of aqueous bases; — group of aqueous acids; — solid polymeric materials with acidic function group additions, such as acid proton exchange membrane (PEM); — solid polymeric materials with basic function group additions, such as anion exchange membrane (AEM). This document is applicable to hydrogen generators intended for industrial and commercial uses, and indoor and outdoor residential use in sheltered areas, such as car-ports, garages, utility rooms and similar areas of a residence. Hydrogen generators that can also be used to generate electricity, such as reversible fuel cells, are excluded from the scope of this document. Residential hydrogen generators that also supply oxygen as a product are excluded from the scope of this document.
归口单位: ISO/TC 197