Greenhouse gases - Part 1: Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removal
他的ISO 14064部分详细介绍了设计、开发、管理和报告组织级或公司级温室气体清单的原则和要求。它包括确定温室气体排放边界、量化一个组织的温室气体排放量和清除量,以及确定旨在改善温室气体管理的具体公司行动或活动的要求。它还包括关于库存质量管理、报告、内部审计和组织对核查活动的责任的要求和指导。
ISO 14064预计将通过为温室气体清单或项目的量化、监测、报告、验证或验证提供清晰和一致性,使世界各地的组织、政府、项目支持者和利益相关者受益。
his part of ISO 14064 details principles and requirements for designing, developing, managing and reporting organization- or company-level GHG inventories. It includes requirements for determining GHG emission boundaries, quantifying an organization's GHG emissions and removals, and identifying specific company actions or activities aimed at improving GHG management. It also includes requirements and guidance on inventory quality management, reporting, internal auditing and the organization's responsibilities for verification activities.ISO 14064 is expected to benefit organizations, governments, project proponents and stakeholders worldwide by providing clarity and consistency for quantifying, monitoring, reporting and validating or verifying GHG inventories or projects.